[A-DX] --> Zodiac Receiver

Fr Jan 15 13:06:29 CET 2016

Am 15.01.2016 um 10:12 schrieb Herbert Meixner:
>> http://www.hobbyradio.se/en/broadcasting/bclqsl_en.html
> Akkurate Seiten! :-o 

Ja, in der Tat, allerlei Interessantes, und Lustiges:


"....There is a problem with the memories too. Sometimes when trying to 
store a channel is is not possible. Trying to store BBC on 17790 kHz was 
not possible. According to Avion this will be solved in the next 
firmware release. .."

Wahrscheinlich lassen sich auch nur indische Frequenzen speichern, nicht 
die der ehemaligen Kolonialmacht......

"....Another thing is that the radio won't play for more than an hour at 
the time. Suddenly it switches itself off and when this happens no 
buttons on the remote control work and you cannot switch the radio on 
again without first switch off by using the slide switch and then 
reboot. In case you were in the middle of logging a DRM station, there 
will be nothing saved to the Micro SD card. ..."

Radio price:   175 $    +    30 $ Bankgebühren....

+  ".....That was on a Friday, so it was delivered on the following 
Monday around noon. I paid USD 179 (!) for the shipping plus another USD 
62 in charges and VAT. This makes it the most expensive radio I have 
bought for the last 35 years! "

Hm,  Friday 13th ?   Das macht den indischen DRM-Empfänger auf jedem 
Fall rekordverdächtig.

"....There is no way to listen and tune." Zwangs-Muting beim 
Frequenzwechsel, herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Coming up next: Searching for DRM stations

Na ja....lassen wir uns überraschen.
