[A-DX] VOA Radiogram, 23-24 July, "...Amateur radio numbers decline in Germany.."
RogerSa Jul 23 09:17:43 CEST 2016
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] DX-Programm HCJB 7365 kHz
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] VOA Radiogram, 23-24 July, "...Amateur radio numbers decline in Germany.."
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http://voaradiogram.net/post/147795364347/voa-radiogram-23-24-july-2016-transmissions-from *Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 173*, 23-24 July 2016, all in MFSK32, all centered on 1500 Hz: 1:32 Program preview 2:52 New map of cerebral cortex* 9:21 X-shaped configuration at center of Milky Way* 14:41 US Navy will visit New Zealand* 19:04 Amateur radio numbers decline in Germany* <======== *** 22:17 Kepler telescope discovers planets (Flmsg html file transfer) 27:18 Closing announcements *** ist wohl dann diese Meldung hier: http://www.arrl.org/news/statistics-from-germany-show-decline-in-amateur-radio-numbers "....License statistics and exam information provided by Gerrit Herzig, DH8GHH, show that Amateur Radio numbers in Germany have been declining since peaking 2002...." "....The ham radio population in Germany topped out in 2002 at about 80,000 licensees. In 2015, the number had dropped to 67,349...." http://www.dh8ghh.de/uebermich.html ========> http://www.ham-yota.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Statistics-Ham-Radio-Education-in-Germany-HamRadio-2016.pdf roger
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] DX-Programm HCJB 7365 kHz
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] VOA Radiogram, 23-24 July, "...Amateur radio numbers decline in Germany.."
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