[A-DX] VOA Radiogram, 30 April-1 May 2016

So Mai 1 18:57:35 CEST 2016

Am 29.04.2016 um 16:27 schrieb VOA Radiogram:
> Hello friends,
> This weekend's VOA Radiogram will include a news item in Olivia 
> 64-2000. This might be an opportunity to investigate why some 
> listeners do not have successful decodes of this mode. One way to do 
> this is to use two radios, with two different bandwidths. The 
> hypothesis is that a wider bandwidth should work better with the wide 
> Olivia 64-2000 mode. You could decode "live" from one radio while 
> recording  from the other radio for later decoding.

For testing was set a sharp USB filter with only 2 kHz width, from carrier.
Thereby only 75% of the total OL64-2K-track data are available.
Nevertheless, the decoding of the text is 100% successful.


Older test with minimum bandwidth:    800 Hz bandpass


"....to investigate why some listeners do not have successful decodes of 
this mode."

Audio recordings of it would be useful for analysis.

