RogerSo Okt 30 10:52:40 CET 2016
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] AOKI B16
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] {A-DX} HFCC B16
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Am 29.10.2016 um 16:24 schrieb Roger: > mutmaßlich dann auch hier, wenn "online" > http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/adv.php > als [ndb16.*] > Seite ist bestimmt auch gut für "Formular-Recherche".... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mittlerweile neben A16 auch B16 online: *Download* CSV file for FDM-SW1, FDM-SW2, HDSDR, etc. (EiBi Database csv format) [B16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/aokilist_fdmsw2.csv>] [A16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/a16/aokilist_fdmsw2.csv>] UserList for Perseus [B16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/userlist1.txt>] [A16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/a16/userlist1.txt>] Excel Workbook (.xlsx) [B16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/nxb16.xlsx>] [A16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/a16/nda16.xlsx>] Excel Text File (Printable format) [B16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/nxb16.txt>] [A16 <http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/a16/nda16.txt>] Allerdings keine zip-Variante der xlsx für csvUB verfügbar wie: http://www1.s2.starcat.ne.jp/ndxc/pc/nd/nda16.zip Momentan kann der csvUB (anscheinend) nix mit de reinen xlsx anfangen: http://ndxc.16mb.com/bi/nxb16.xlsx ===> http://www.df8ry.de/htmlen/csvub/news.htm 2016/10/30: Broadcast season B16 at start On 2016/10/30 the schedules for the broadcast season B16 come into effect. HFCC has already published the new data 14 days ago: http://hfcc.org/data/b16/b16allx2.zip Experience has shown that EIBI will soon start updating his lists. In this case only the URL for EIBI list type Sked (CSV) (if interested in this type of list) has to be changed to http://www.eibispace.de/dx/sked-b16.csv. As always the AOKI transition will probably be more complex. I will inform you as soon as I have knowledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ roger
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] AOKI B16
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] {A-DX} HFCC B16
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