[A-DX] Historisches Logbuch
Michael SchnitzerDi Apr 11 10:37:05 CEST 2017
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Frage: Stoerer im 19m-Band --> 0825....UC, 11.04.17
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Kassel documenta Kurzwelle
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Am 09.04.2017 um 17:40 schrieb Manfred Wallat: > Wenn ich das so lese kommen Erinnerungen > an die 60er/70er... Am 10.04.2017 um 21:12 schrieb Franz Süss: > Ja, es waren Zeiten voller Pioniergeist... Retro ist in! Manfreds Erinnerungen an die 70er kann ich mit Inhalt füllen. Ich hab mal in meinen alten Logbüchern geblättert. Es lohnt sich, die Liste genauer durchzugehen. Da sind wahre Schätzchen dabei (aus heutiger Sicht!). Rx: NORDMENDE Globetrotter TN 6000 & SONY 6800W Antenne: Teleskopstab QTHs: Forchheim, Würzburg, Haßfurt 818 AND Sud Radio, 30.05.1970, 22.30, F, French chansons, time announcement, ID; O=3 825 SCN R Paradise, 07.12.1986, 01.30, E, political speech, presumed ID; O=1-2 1210 DMA R Caribbean, 21.12.1986, 01.00, F, listeners request program, phone calls, ID; O=1-2 1484 GRC Pyrgos Broadcasting Station, 29.03.1970, 00.30, Gr, E, Greek folklore; O=2 1570 TCN Atlantic Beacon, 07.12.1986, 01.30, E, rel px, ID; O=1-2 3255 LBR Liberian Broadcasting System, 13.06.1986, 22.00, E, news, pop music, ID; O=2 3285 BLZ R Belize, 26.07.1982, 03.45, E, piano music from Schubert, time announcement, ID; O=2 3300 BDI La Voix de la Revolution, 16.07.1980, 22.45, Vn, F, African songs, ID, c/d 2302; O=2 3330 RRW Rdiff. de la Rep. Rwandaise, 21.06.1980, 22.50, Vn, African music, ID, anthem, c/d 2300; O=2 3381 EQA R Iris, 23.09.1984, 03.30, Sp, pop songs, adv, ID; O=3 3396 ZBW Zimbabwe Rhodesia BC, 27.06.1980, 22.00, E, news, ID; O=2 3930 CPV R Voz de São Vicente, 14.01.1983, 23.45, P, ID, national anthem, c/d 2358; O=2 4680 EQA R Nacional Espejo, 06.08.1980, 05.00, Sp, soccer match, many Ids; O=2 4690 CTR R Reloj, 07.04.1970, 06.15, Sp, songs and many time announcements, ID; O=3 4780 DJI Radiodiff.-Tel. de Djibouti, 13.05.1984, 19.00, Vn, African music, ID, national anthem; O=2 4790 VEN Ondas Porteñas, 03.06.1971, 03.00, Sp, Venezuelan music, adv, time anns; O=2 4795 COG R Brazzaville (ORTF), 13.06.1970, 21.30, F, French songs, car race, ID; O=3 4795 BOL R Nueva América, 13.04.1987, 01.30, Sp, fútbol, ID, c/d 0150; O=2 4807 REU ORTF Réunion, 23.04.1970, 19.45, F, song “Blowing in the Wind”, news at 2000, ID; O=2 4807 STP R Nac São Tomé e Principe, 18.03.1981, 23.00, P, news, ID, time ann; O=2 4832 CTR R Reloj, 06.08.1980, 04.00, Sp, fútbol, ID; O=3 4839 ZAI R Bukavu, 27.05.1970, 19.30, F, news, ID; O=2 4840 VEN R Valera, 14.12.1986, 00.30, Sp, sports information, ID; O=2 4850 SUR Stichting R Omr. Suriname, 06.08.1980, 05.30, Dutch, "This is the Surinam Broadcasting Foundation, Surinam"; O=3 4850 VEN R Capital, 13.04.1987, 03.30, Sp, adv, ID, national anthem, c/d 0358; O=4 4855 MAU Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation, 05.10.1982, 16.15, F, gospel song by Ella Fitzgerald, advertisement, presumed ID; O=2 4865 AZR Emissora Regional dos Acores, 05.06.1970, 22.00, P, time announcement & ID; O=2 4870 BEN Radiodiffusion du Dahomey, 02.06.1970, 21.30, F, African music, ID: "Içi Cotonou, la Radiodiffusion du Dahomey"; O=2 4880 VEN R Universo, 09.09.1970, 05.00, Sp, tango music, time announcement and ID, s/off 0504; O=3 4890 VEN R Difusora Venezuela, 08.01.1971, 04.30, Sp, music from Venezuela, several IDs; O=4 4890 EQA R Centinela del Sur, 13.12.1986, 23.30, Sp, fútbol, ID; O=2 4895 B R Cultural da Bahía, 02.05.1970, 22.45, P, pop music (“Let it be”, “Pretty Belinda”), ID; O=3 4900 GUI R Conakry, 26.02.1970, 07.00, F, African music, ID; O=3 4904 TCD Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne, 11.02.1971, 21.30, F, Arabic music, ID; O=2 4907 CBG Radiodiffusion Nationale Khmer, 18.11.1970, 16.30, Vn, Cambodian folklore, ID; O=2 4911 ZMB Zambia Broadcsting Service, 25.12.1971, 19.45, Vn, Christmas song, time signal; O=3 4915 CLM R Guatapurí, 09.09.1970, 05.15, Sp, time announcements, accordeon music, ID; O=3 4920 VEN R Caracas, 27.12.1971, 08.00, Sp, soft pop songs, time anouncements, ID; O=3 4920 AUS ABC Brisbane, 12.02.1984, 20.00, E, weather forecast, news, ID; O=2 4940 VEN R Yaracuy, 09.01.1971, 03.00, Sp, ID: "Radio Yaracuy … desde Venezuela, patria del libertador"; O=2 4945 CLM R Colosal, 10.08.1980, 04.00, Sp, ID: "Radio Colosal, la información del momento"; O=3 4955 CLM R Nacional de Colombia, 07.04.1970, 06.00, Sp, international news, ID and s/off at 06.07; O=4 4965 CLM R Santa Fé, 01.04.1970, 06.30, Sp, time announcement, romantic songs, ID; O=2 4965 NMB South-West African BC, 21.10.1980, 19.00, German, "Hier ist R Südwestafrika. Sie hören das deutsche Programm"; O=2 4990 VEN R Barquisimeto, 07.04.1970, 06.30, Sp, Latino pop songs, ID; O=3 5005 MLA RTM Sarawak, 22.09.1984, 22.45, Vn, Quran singing, xylophone music; O=2 5010 DOM R Cristal, 19.05.1970, 04.45, Sp, Caribbean music, ID and news at 0500; O=3 5044 CTR R Impacto, 05.01.1990, 01.00, Sp, report about Panama, ID; O=4 5050 EQA R Jesús del Gran Poder, 17.01.1987, 00.30, Sp, religious program, ID; O=2 5055 EQA R Católica, 09.06.1987, 23.00, Sp, news, ID; O=2 5060 YEM South Yemen Broadcasting Service, 14.11.1970, 23.15, A, Arabian music; O=2 5475 GNB Radiodifusão Nacional, 05.09.1984, 23.45, Vn, P, African folklore, ID in P, national anthem 2400, c/d 00.02; O=2 5950 NIC La Voz de Nicaragua, 23.12.1980, 04.00, Sp, "la hora en Nicaragua libre. El comandante de la revolución dice..."; O=2 5980 SLV R Nacional de El Salvador, 22.04.1970, 04.20, Sp, canciones románticas, adv, ID; O=3 5980 SRL Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service, 29.07.1980, 01.30, E, "You are tuned to Freetown, the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service"; O=2 6050 HND R América, 24.08.1970, 04.00, Sp, classical music; O=3 6070 VEN R San Sebastián, 08.01.1971, 03.45, Sp, adv hotel in San Cristobal, ID; O=4 6082 PRU R Nacional del Perú, 22.05.1970, 03.00, Sp, "Transmite Radio Nacional del Perú desde los estudios en Lima"; O=2 6180 GTM La Voz de Guatemala, 03.09.1981, 01.45, Sp, political speech ("compañeros, trabajadores..."); O=2 7170 NCL RFO Noumea, 30.12.1986, 10.00, F, French songs and talks, fade out 1025; O=2 9620 B R Novo de Julho, 23.02.1971, 23.45, P, Brasilian folklore, ID; O=3 9715 COG Radiodiffusion Télévision Congolaise, 12.12.1970, 21.00, F, instrumental music, ID: "La Voix de la Revolution Congolaise"; O=3 11700 DOM R Clarín, 10.01.1982, 00.45, Sp, time announcement and QRGs, ID; O=3 11825 OCE FR 3 Tahiti, 09.07.1982, 05.30, F, polynesian music, presumed ID; O=2 11835 URG R El Espectador, 27.02.1971, 01.05, Sp, adv, time announcement, ID; O=3 11852 VEN R Nacional de Venezuela, 08.02.1987, 22.45, Sp, interview with President, ID; O=3 11855 ARS Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 15.11.1970, 19.15, External Service in E, ID; O=4 11875 NIC R Nacional de Nicaragua, 12.12.1971, 01.30, Sp, ID: "Radio Nacional de Nicaragua...en el centro de América"; O=4 11880 ARG R Splendid, 01.04.1971, 02.00, Sp, sports report, ID; O=2 11915 PRG R Nacional de Paraguay, 07.06.1981, 22.15, Sp, sports commentary, ID; O=2 11920 CTI R Abidjan, 13.12.1971, 19.30, E, "This is Abidjan, the Ivory Coast Radio and Television Network"; O=3 11970 NPL R Nepal, 10.04.1971, 15.00, Nepali, Nepalese music; O=2 15080 R Euzkadi, Clandestine, 23.02.1970, 21.30, E, Sp, ID: "This is Radio Euzkadi, the Voice of the Bask underground"; O=4 15140 CHL R Nacional de Chile, 29.04.1984, 22.00, Sp, sports information, ID; O=2 15150 CHL R Corporación 04.04.1971, 23.55, Sp, pop music, address, ID; O=3 15245 ZAI Radiodiffusion-Télévision Nationale Congolaise, 21.09.1970, 21.30, F, piano music, ID; O=3 15280 HTI R 4VEH, 11.09.1970, 01.15, Sp, language lesson English-Spanish, ID; O=2 15308 GUI Radiodiffusion Télévision Guinéenne, 11.10.1985, 18.30, F political speech, Conakry often mentioned; O=3 15335 CLM R Nacional de Colombia, 10.09.1980, 02.30, Sp, Colombian history, ID; O=3 15350 LBN R Lebanon, 28.05.1970, 19.30, E, news (Lebanese delegation in Moscow), ID; O=2 17800 PRG R Nacional de Paraguay, 05.07.1981, 21.45, Sp, South American soccer cup, ID; O=3 21705 MEX XERMX R México, 22.02.1971, 16.30, External Service in German, Mexican songs, ID; O=4 vy 73 ms
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Frage: Stoerer im 19m-Band --> 0825....UC, 11.04.17
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Kassel documenta Kurzwelle
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