[A-DX] Vergleich Web-SDR gegen NRD-535

Do Aug 3 18:23:51 CEST 2017

Per, you are right! We cannot really judge equipment easily via remote

But I am extremely happy, that someone take the possibility and report about
I need feedback about the performance/usefulness of the online radio, to
improve it...

So the report was really valuable for me. If anybody want to give comments
about web-rx performance in comparison with his own equipment, I want to
encourage them to post it here...

Many thanks for your kind understanding

Ulli, ON5KQ

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: liste [mailto:] Namens Per Eriksson
Verzonden: donderdag 3 augustus 2017 9:07
Onderwerp: Re: [A-DX] Vergleich Web-SDR gegen NRD-535


For me, this comparison leaves out far to many things, to be interesting.
What about QTH, ground connectivity, local interference and, most important,

In my shack I am running a KiwiSDR connected to the same antenna, a 8 x 30
metre Super KAZ, as a Perseus SDR. I do not see those big differences. On
the contrary, I would say that the KiwiSDR performs very well, but, of
course, without the spectrum recording possibilities.


Michael Schnitzer skrev:
>Guten Morgen, muy buenos dias a todos
>als notorischer Echtzeithörer konnte ich heute meinen 25 Jahre alten
>NRD-535 gegen den Web-SDR von OM Ulli (on5kq.ddns.net:8073) testen.
>Hier die Logs:
>1270 ARG R Provincia de Buenos Aires, 3.8., 0340, canciones románticas, 
>NRD: peaks O=2, S5, USB
>Web-SDR: nix zu sehen und nix zu hören, Filter zu breit, keine Chance 
>gegen COPE auf 1269
>1350 ARG R Buenos Aires, 3.8., 0325, rel. talk, christliche Lieder, ID;
>NRD: peaks O=2, S5
>Web-SDR: identisch
>1390 USA WEGP Presque Isle ME, 3.8., 0245, rel. talk, Presence Radio, 
>NRD: peaks O=2, S5
>Web-SDR: O=2-3, S7
>1610 AIA Caribbean Beacon, 3.8., 0305, rel px;
>NRD: peaks O=3, S6
>Web-SDR: nix zu sehen und nix zu hören
>1620 CUB R Rebelde, 3.8., 0320, talk, // 5025;
>NRD: peaks O=2, S5
>Web-SDR: nix zu sehen und nix zu hören
>1660 PTR WGIT Canóvanas PR, 3.8., 0315, rel px;
>NRD: peaks O=2-3, S4
>Web-SDR: nix zu sehen und nix zu hören
>Fazit: Nur bei WEGP auf 1390 hatte der Web-SDR die Nase vorn. Ich 
>denke, die Runde geht wohl an den NRD!
>vy 73
>Rx: NRD-535
>Ant: EWE
>QTH: Haßfurt
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