[A-DX] Fwd: Re: UNID 5940kHz

Thorsten Hallmann
Sa Aug 12 19:19:21 CEST 2017

(für diejenigen, die die Ursprungsmails nicht kennen: siehe unten!)

Hallo Roger,

vielen Dank für die Hinweise, schon eingebaut.

Am 12.08.2017 um 13:31 schrieb Roger:
> http://www.oromoliberationfront.org/SBO/SBOObjectives.htm
> 9485 kHz -  wann war denn das?
Hmmm, keine Ahnung - da müsste man vermutlich länger suchen, denn diese
Station ist im Laufe der Jahre schon bei vielen Relaisstationen

Für A17 gibt Eibi:

15420 1700-1730 357 CLA V.o.Oromo Liberation OO EAf /D-n
15420 1730-1800 We CLA V.o.Oromo Liberation AH EAf /D-n

Die Sendezeiten passen von den Längen her nicht genau zu den online verfügbaren Sendungen. Aber diese Sendungen haben einen ordentlichen Anfang (Titelmelodie/ID) und ein ordentliches Ende Abmod/Titelmelodie). Die jetzigen auf 5940 enden mit irgendeiner Musik lange nach der letzten Ansage. Auch die "Canned ID" habe ich nicht gehört, kein Echo, kein sonstwie typisches Element. Alles völlig schmucklos. 

Die zumindest in mancher Hinsicht hervorragende Africalist (http://www.muenster.org/uwz/ms-alt/africalist/africalist.pdf
) kennt noch folgenden Eintrag unter Eritrea: 









Arbegnoch Voice Radio / Vo Oromo Liberation / Ginbot 7 Dimts / VoBME 1+2
or unidentified other broadcast heard mainly in 2011.

Die andere Station die du verlinkt hast (https://www.oromiamedia.org/2016/03/05/tamsaasa-raadiyoo-omn-bit-5-2016/, https://static-5502.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/raadiyoo-omn-bitootessa-5-2016.mp3?_=1), ist mir völlig fremd. Auch BDXC Africa on Shortwave (http://bdxc.org.uk/africa.pdf) kennt sie nicht, nur diese hier noch: 

Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa
New target broadcast to Ethiopia from October 2016.
Brokered by Alyx & Yeyi.
Transmitter site: Issoundun, France - 250 kW.
1630-1700 Tue/Thu/Fri Oromo Horn of Africa 17840


Um diese Station geht es:

5940 Unid:

10. August:
No more audio heard from 1925, but carrier still there at 1950. Talk
before, presumed East African. VoTR is active on 5950 and did not seem
to be in // (as it used to be sporadically in the past). Eritrean
transmitters were on 7140+7181.5 today. Regular programming always ends
at 1830, so if ERI, a clandestine broadcast to Ethiopia would be likely.
A frequency close to VoTR would then of course be a rational choice.
BTW.: a Unid 5940 was reported in A-DX a few months ago, I remember.
Don't think it was identified then.

11. August
First heard at 1815 (not yet at 1800) today, while ERI was still on 7140
+ 7181.55 - so it is not one of the two "main" ERI-transmitters, as also
Wolfgangs morning + afternoon log (already posted in this list)
indicates. Predominantly HoA music, also a phone interview from 1825,
followed by 30 min's+ of nonstop-music. Next announcement at 1919.  Very
fast talk, nothing to make out but presumed "Ethiopia", and "Oromia" at
1932. Significantly weaker than 5950 VoTR - ETH. End of talk at 1937
with presumed Salam-u-aleikum and Allahu-akbar (rough transcription...),
but not Arabic before. Oromo and Somali are known to be predominantly
muslim groups in ETH, while f.e. Tigray and Amharic native speakers in
Ethiopia aren't. Signing off at 1957. A weaker signal with music
remains, about 50 Hz lower.

12. August
Yet another catch of this one via SDRs in the Arab region: Sat 12,
...1350-1448*, mostly Horn of Africa music, some talk in the beginning,
but no announcement before sign-off.