[A-DX] Log: 11835, SLBC, 1735....UC, Vn, 19.08.17

Herbert Meixner
Sa Aug 19 19:56:09 CEST 2017

S = 9
O =3/4
Hatten wir schon, aber es kann ja nicht schaden, die Bitte von Victor zu 
Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK advises that the Sri Lanka Broadcasting 
Corporation has just started a new Tamil service on 11835 kHz between 
1700 and 1800 UTC. The station is looking for reports and you can send 
these to Victor at  However, there will be 
a delay in replying as Victor is currently in Australia for several 
months visiting family, so please be patient when waiting for a QSL.
Mit Gruss,
A-3160 Traisen
NRD 535DG, MiniWhip