[A-DX] 1224 NL unid
tom df5jlSo Okt 8 12:39:12 CEST 2017
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] 1224 NL unid
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Log: 6205, LHH, E, 0548...UC, 08.10.17
- Nachrichten sortiert nach: [ Datum ] [ Thema ] [ Betreff (Subject) ] [ Autor ]
Hier übrigens zwei RMS-Audio-Beispiele: http://realmonitor.com/sdo_examples/1604271110@BEIJ11825VOACHIN.MP4 - 20 second sample from Remote Monitoring System (RMS) in Beijing of a VOA Chinese broadcast on 11825 kHz at 1110 UTC on April 27, 2016 from Philippines relay station. Fair signal [note the VOA jingle] spoiled by multiple, time-offset, co-channel CNR jammers. http://realmonitor.com/sdo_examples/1604291702@RANG_9940RFABURM.MP4 - 20 second sample from Remote Monitoring System (RMS) in Rangoon, Burma of Iranawilla, Sri Lanka relay station on 9940 kHz in Burmese at 1702 UTC on April 29, 2016. Scary loud signal heavily processed as it leaves the transmitter. 73 Tom DF5JL QTH JO30KO Nordeifel / nr Bonn | R&S EK 070 @ T2FD | df5jl.darc.de QRV A1A QRP @ 3560 *5353* 7030 10106 10116 14035 14060 kHz Wir. Leben. Amateurfunk. Am 08.10.2017 um 12:21 schrieb tom df5jl: > welche übrigens auch schon RFE/RL bzw. dem IBB in den 80ern nutzen, damals noch per Telefonleitungen, später über das Internet: "IBB operates a network of almost 70 remote monitoring systems in order to determine and demonstrate the audibility of its own and others' broadcasts. Each RMS consists of an antenna, a radio and a computer attached to the internet. A simple text file script is used by the computer to collect and encode sound samples and bandscan information from the radio. Data collected by each RMS is then sent to one or more servers and made available...." > > 73 Tom DF5JL
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] 1224 NL unid
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Log: 6205, LHH, E, 0548...UC, 08.10.17
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