[A-DX] Fw: BBC midwinter broadcast to Antarctica - Thursday 2130 UT

Wolfgang Bueschel
Do Jun 21 12:17:59 CEST 2018

Korrektur der ursprünglichen A-DX ng Meldung:
heute Abend,
nix UAE Relais, dafür 9890 kHz Kanal aus Babcock west Engeland.

> "Damit laeuft die Ausstrahlung auch am 21. Juni 2018 wieder von 2330 bis
> 2400 Uhr CEST/ 2130-2200 UTC/GMT, aus Babcock Woofferton England auf 5985
> kHz, aus Al Dhabbiya UAE auf 6035 kHz und von der Insel Ascension auf
> 7360 kHz."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Hauser
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018
Subject: BBC midwinter broadcast to Antarctica - Thursday 2130 UT

A reminder that the BBC midwinter broadcast to the 38 British Antarctic
Survey staff in Antarctica and South Georgia will be broadcast on Thursday
21 June from 2130-2200 GMT.

Frequencies this year (confirmed by BBCWS Audience Relations) will be:

5985 Woofferton 184°
7360 Ascension  207°
9890 Woofferton 182°

The programme will also be available online at

(more details at this link)

(bdxc-news iog June 20 via DXLD, June 21)

Cerys Matthews presents one of the BBC World Service’s most unusual
programmes. The Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast is for the 38 scientists and
support staff overwintering at three UK research stations in Antarctica. It
is transmitted Midwinter’s Day, 21 June, their darkest day of the year.

The penguins will definitely outnumber the audience but listening to the
programme is a much anticipated annual tradition for the ‘overwinterers’.
Most of the staff - 25 of the 38 - are at the UK’s largest Antarctic
research station, Rothera. But 2000 km further north, the rest will listen
in stations at Bird Island and King Edward Point.

In each of the stations, base commanders rise early to cook breakfast for
their staff and presents are exchanged. There are sports and, weather
permitting, even a naked streak in the snow. Penguin warning: avert your

After the feasting, staff will gather round a shortwave set to listen to the
broadcast, which is packed with greetings from family and friends back home,
music, a message from the British Antarctic Survey director, Jane Francis,
and a sprinkling of celebrity guests wishing them well. Finally, there’s a
screening of the Antarctic horror movie The Thing.

This year Cerys is joined by British Antarctic Survey marine biologist,
Terri Souster, and mechanic and ‘ice trucker’ Jonny Yates - who found love
in a cold climate and are now husband and wife.

There are guest appearances from British European Space Agency astronaut,
Tim Peake, the popular TV presenter and Ernest Shackleton fan, Lorraine
Kelly, impressionist Jon Culshaw and musician Brian Eno.

The Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast is produced by Martin Redfern and is a
Boffin Media production for BBC World Service.

Photo: One of the British Antarctic Survey buildings in the Antarctic
Credit: BAS (via DXLD)

Also linx to three previous ``episodes`` audio, 2017, 2016, 2015