Antonello Napolitano
Sa Mär 24 15:57:10 CET 2018

If you visit www.dxfanzine.net you will find my list of Independent MW stations from Italy.

Unlike other lists that you can find over the Internet, this publication only lists stations
currently REALLY on the air or temporarily off-air. Also included is information on how to
contact the stations (E-mail and Web sites), QSL policies and when known transmitter powers
and future plans.

NB: This list is a separate section of DX FANZINE, an electronic newsletter which brings together
tips and news as contributed by individual DXers or ascertained from different sources.

The current as well as the previous editions of DX Fanzine can be accessed from its home page
www.dxfanzine.com (not .NET) and are there almost indefinitely.

Although  the primary platform for delivery of  DX FANZINE information remains  its website,
its contents are turned into a PDF file,  a couple of days after the end  of each month and sent
out FREE to anyone who has subscribed.

If you want to receive DX FANZINE in your mailbox regularly please write at: tarantodx (at) hotmail.com

Antonello Napolitano

Da: liste <>
Inviato: sabato 24 marzo 2018 14:51
Oggetto: Re: [A-DX] IBC A18 SCHEDULE FROM 25 MARCH 2018 (MFSK32)

Am 24.03.2018 um 07:47 schrieb Gerald Kallinger:
> Auf
> http://ibcradio.webs.com/apps/blog/entries/show/44439117-new-schedule-effect
IBC - Italian Broadcasting Corporation<http://ibcradio.webs.com/apps/blog/entries/show/44439117-new-schedule-effect>
Italian Broadcasting Corporation, IBC, the only private italian radio on short waves from 1979. L'unica radio privata italiana in onde corte, dal 1979!

> ive-from-27-march-2017 findet sich, mit Einsatz der Mittelwelle 1584 kHz,
> folgender Plan:

Du bist im falschen Jahr. Wir haben demnächst den 27. März 2018. Die
Programmübersicht, digital über den Äther, ist gewiss aktueller. ;-)

Am 24.03.2018 um 11:43 schrieb Antonello Napolitano:
> Since the end of January Radio Studio X from Momigno (PT) on 1584 kHz is off-air and relay of IBC programmes have ceased.
> Antonello

Mille grazie!

nach ex:    1584 KHz: Radio Studio X - Momigno, PT (12 Kw, C-Quam Stereo)

sind hier mittlerweile zwei andere Stationen "gesichtet" worden:

1584 KHz: Regional Radio - Otricoli, TR (momentan wohl "in stand by")
1584 KHz: Free Radio AM - Radio Diffusione Europea - Trieste, TS

Quelle:  http://www.miniradioam.it/home.html#!/page_RADIOAM

#EXTINF:-1,1584 kHz Regional Radio http://www.regionalradio.it/
#EXTINF:-1,1584 kHz Free Radio AM RDE RETE 1 http://www.assamgroup.it

....e un buon ascolto!


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