[A-DX] 44th Anniversary of the Arecibo Message

Fr Nov 16 19:10:42 CET 2018

"......Forty-four years ago today, a group of scientists gathered at the 
Arecibo Observatory amidst the tropical forests of Puerto Rico to 
attempt humankind’s first communication with intelligent life beyond our 
own planet. Their three-minute radio message—a series of exactly 1,679 
binary digits (a multiple of two prime numbers) which could be arranged 
in a grid 73 rows by 23 columns—was aimed at a cluster of stars 25,000 
light years away from earth...."



"....Another interesting feature in this weekend’s unusual program is a 
waterfall graphic created by Merkouris, SV2HWM, in Greece. It’s a 
replica of the message sent to outer space in 1974 by the Arecibo radio 
telescope. This can be seen in the Fldigi waterfall or on an SDR 
spectrum display (zoom in). To see as much of it as possible in Fldigi:  
Configure > UI > Waterfall > FFT Processing > Increase waterfall height 
 > Save, then close and restart Fldigi....."

Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 74, 16-18 November 
2018, in modes as noted:
  1:41  MFSK32: Program preview
  3:07  Olivia 64-2000: Earth’s dust clouds***
  6:11  Olivia 32-2000: Earth’s dust clouds***
  8:42  Olivia 16-2000: Earth’s dust clouds***
11:43  MFSK64: Image from previous story*
14:27  Arecibo radio telescope message to space**  <=====
20:31  This week’s images
27:41  MFSK32: Closing announcements
** with waterfall graphic and image

