[A-DX] Heiligsprechung Oscar Romeros / BSR#21 / SWRG#70 - Ankündigung

Fr Okt 19 21:37:25 CEST 2018


"...DOMRADIO.DE: Romero war Erzbischof von San Salvador und galt als 
"Bischof der Armen": Offen kritisierte er Ende der 70er-Jahre die Gewalt 
und die Ungleichheit in seiner Heimat El Salvador – damit machte er sich 
die Mächtigen des Landes zum Feind: Am 24. März 1980 wurde er am Altar 
erschossen, während er die heilige Messe feierte...."

"..DOMRADIO.DE: Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador and was considered 
a "Bishop of the poor": he openly criticized the violence and inequality 
in his native El Salvador at the end of the 1970s - with which he made 
the powerful of the country an enemy: On March 24, 1980, he was shot 
dead at the altar while celebrating Holy Mass.


".....BSR Radiogram #21
for 1st tx in October 2019       (<===="2018")
a production of James M. Branum, KG5JST
and BroadSpectrumRadio.com
In this episode, we are celebrating the canonization of Oscar Romero, 
the martyrd Archbishop of El Salvador, killed by US-backed forces in 


"........Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 70, 19-22 
October 2018, in MFSK modes as noted:
  1:36 MFSK32: Program preview
  2:47 Alexanderson Alternator transmission on 24 October*
  7:13 MFSK 128: Cell phone use in North Korea involves bribes*
11:07 MFSK64: Plans for liquid hydrogen filling stations*
16:02 Images of the week*
27:34 MFSK32: Closing announcements........."
