[A-DX] R: E-Mail RDE

Antonello Napolitano
Mi Aug 12 10:37:08 CEST 2020

> << presentano: "Bobby Solo" in concerto, 21 agosto >>
> (Jessas, den gibt's noch?)

Unfortunately, yes but if Bobby Solo is called to perform a concert probably is because  his manager requires a very small amount of money and the concert is designed to appeal old people.  Often foreigners, especially those from Eastern Europe, identify Italian music with old singers very popular in the 60s and 70s such as Albano, Ricchi e Poveri and Adriano Celentano who today nobody appreciates except most of those who were young in those years. Fortunately Italian music has evolved and expresses itself with different genres which are far from the melodic tradition with lyrics about "cuore" and "amore".


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Inviato: martedì 11 agosto 2020 23:14
A: >
Oggetto: Re: [A-DX] E-Mail RDE

Am 11.08.2020 um 22:50 schrieb Peter Wagner:
> Quellen:
> https://www.facebook.com/freeradioamgroup/
> http://www.radiodiffusioneeuropea.net/
> << presentano: "Bobby Solo" in concerto, 21 agosto >>
> (Jessas, den gibt's noch?)

In diesem Zusammenhang:

Am 09.08.2020 um 15:08 schrieb admin:
Re: Ascolto Studio Dx 893 via R.D.E. 1584 kHz
> 1584 9/08 1110-1136 Radio Diffusione Europea, Trieste Px “Studio Dx
> 893” It 15522
> 73 da N. Marabello
> QTH Treviso (IT)
> RX: SONY ICF-7600G
> Ant.: quadro DLF 1539 kHz
> L'articolo Ascolto Studio Dx 893 via R.D.E. 1584 kHz
> <https://www.bclnews.it/2020/08/09/ascolto-studio-dx-893-via-r-d-e-1584-khz/>
> proviene da Bclnews <https://www.bclnews.it>.

Was ist denn das eigentlich:
"Ant.: quadro DLF 1539 kHz"          alte Festfrequenz-Rahmenantenne des

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