[A-DX] Antwort auf RR zur Testsendung von Encore via WRMI

Friedrich-Walter Adam
Di Mär 31 18:19:52 CEST 2020

nach eine knappen Stunde kam eine Antwort von Encore auf meinen RR zur Testsendung via WRMI auf 15770 kHz:

Encore –Classical Music –Radio Tumbril –2020Dear listener,Many  thanks for  your  interesting  and  usefulreception report. I enjoyed reading it.I  produce  Encore  in  my  spare  time  and  have  limited opportunity to make the programmes as well as respond to requests for eQSL cards.During  the  day  I  work  as  a  hospital  doctor  and  an increasing amount of my energy is taken up responding to the effects of COVID –19.For this reason I am enclosing a blank eQSL card foryou to  fill  out  for  yourself  alongside  this  letter  and  your reception  report.  This  will  save  me  a  lot  of  time  and effort, and will –I hope –be acceptable to you.Do please continue to send emails and reception reports,as they are very encouraging and helpful.Best  wishes –and  please  keep  listening  to  Encore  on Radio Tumbril,Dr Brice Avery.www.tumbril.co.uk

Blanco-eQSL war angefügt.

73  F-W