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[A-DX] R: S.Maria de Galeria site

Liebe Kollegen,
anbei findet bitte eine Antwort von Radio Vatikan betreffend Status und
Lage des Sendestandortes Santa Maria di Galeria.
Aus dieser geht klar hervor, dass St.Maria di Galeria eine Exklave Vatikans
ist. Somit scheint es sich bei Vatikan Stadt und St.Maria di Galeria -
aehnlich wie zB Angola/Cabinda oder Russland/Kaliningrad - um 2 Radiolaender zu handeln. Die EDXC Laenderliste duerfte diesbezueglich ergaenzungsbeduerftig

Vy 73,

From: "SEDOC - Generale" <vati185@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Ewald Glantschnig'" <ewald.glantschnig@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: R: S.Maria de Galeria site
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:19:14 +0200

Dear Mister Glantschnig,

The trasmitting site of Santa Maria di Galeria belongs to the Holy See,
although it is not part of Vatican City. It is indeed an exclave -
extra-territorial area - of the Vatican and therefore is not under the
jurisdiction of the Italian State.

I hope this information answers to your questions.

Best regards
SEDOC - Documentation Service

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da:	Ewald Glantschnig [SMTP:ewald.glantschnig@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Inviato:	mercoledì 9 giugno 1999 17.30
Oggetto:	S.Maria de Galeria site


I do have 2 questions with respect to your above mentioned transmitting site:

1) Can S.Maria de Galeria be considered a part of the Vatican territory ? 2) If yes is it adjacent to the rest of the Vatican state or is is kind of
an exclave (=separated from the Vatican state).

I do look forward to your reply and remain with kind regards

Ewald Glantschnig

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