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Re: [A-DX] DX Tipp

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] DX Tipp
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel_web" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 22:41:43 +0100

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dieter Kraus"
Sent: Tuesday, December 28,
Subject: [A-DX] DX Tipp

> auch mich hat das Unglück in Südost Asien stark betroffen,
> da ich schon in allen Ländern auf Urlaub war.

Dieses Mitgefühl und persönliche Betroffenheit hat auch schon zur Aktivierung
von begleitenden E-Mail Kontakten in der DXer Welt geführt bzw. diese
Kontakte dorthin wieder 'belebt'.

Hat man denn schon Berichte aus dem abgeschotteten Burma gehört/gesehen?

Immerhin zeigt der Verlauf der Welle auch auf die 1000 Kilomter burmesischer
Küstenline, nördlich von Puket bis Rangoon hinauf. Von Lombok bis Mandalay
hinauf kenne ich viele Plätze dieser Region aus meiner aktiven Reisezeit.

73 wb

- - -

Leider in Englisch, aber deshalb gerade authentisch. (wb)

Thank you very much for your concern and sympathy.
Excuse this general note because with so much to do I will take long to get
back to you, so treat this as a temporary message/reply. It makes you
comforted to hear from people saying they are releaved we are safe.

The situation is terrible. I feel more than 50,000 may have perished.
I am a Radio Amateur/Ham, the President of the National Organization of Radio
Hams. We set up emmergency communications via HF and VHF with 2 teams going
into very bad desaster areas and gave the Sri Lanka's Prime Minister's Office
communications with the coordinating  Government Officer, which had NO
communication until we went in  to establish HF links.. Our control centre
was inside the Prime Minister's  Official house in his operational room. Will
show how they valued our services.

The moment we got a message there was a team to handle the request for
Medicine, Doctors and so many things. We will continue until such time as
the PM needs our help. After that we will try humanitarian help, like
tracing missing people in hospitals and setting up communication centres in
disaster areas where there is no land lines working and mobile towers,
repeaters are down.

Even Satellite phone failed and only HF link was possible. Our batteries were
running out and no generators to charge, no electricty, lights etc. in those
regions where Telephone exchnges, powerlines and everything for
communications was down. Even sateiilte phone let down. No way to charge
batteries was another problem. Just plain uncomplicated Short Wave saved

Ham Radio played an important part and will continue to do so.
Pray for the People of South and S.East Asia. Thanks again.

>Dear Group,
>One of our members, Victor Goonetilleke, is from Sri Lanka. I just heard
>that one in twenty are homeless in Sri Lanka.
>Let us send our thoughts and prayers to Victor as well as all those affected
>by the tsunamis.
>Christine Reintjes Martin

G.Victor A. Goonetilleke.   4S7VK


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