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[A-DX] Funkprognose 8.-10.Oktober

  • Subject: [A-DX] Funkprognose 8.-10.Oktober
  • From: Wolf Harranth <harranth@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 18:41:45 +0200


Solar-activity forecast for the period Oct 8 - 14, 2004

Activity level: very low to low
Radio flux (10.7 cm): a fluctuation in the range 85-110 f.u
Flares: weak (0-12/day)
Relative sunspot number: in the range 22-80

Astronomical Institute, Solar Dept., Ondrejov, Czech Republic
e-mail: sunwatch@xxxxxxxxxx
(RWC Prague)

Geomagnetic activity forecast for the period of one solar rotation

active:    Oct 11-14, (16), 19(-20), (29,) 30-31
disturbed: Oct 11, (13-)14, 19, 30
quiet:     Oct 8-10, 15, (17-18,) 21-24, 26-28, Nov 1

Survey:   mostly quiet: Sep 30, Oct 1, 5-6
          quiet to unsettled: Sep 28-29, Oct 2, 4,
          quiet to active: Oct 3

Remarks: Days in brackets () => lower probability of activity
         (or lower accuracy of) forecast, depending on previous
         development on the Sun.

Frantisek K. Janda, OK1HH, Czech Propagation Interested Group
e-mail: franta.janda@xxxxxxxx
Internationales Kuratorium QSL COLLECTION
Dokumentationsarchiv zur Erforschung der Geschichte des Funkwesens und der elektronischen Medien
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