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[A-DX] Fwd: Octoberfests of SWR Virrat

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: Octoberfests of SWR Virrat
  • From: Name gelöscht <name.geloescht@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 10:39:57 +0200

Nicht nur in München tobt das Oktoberfest, nein, auch in Langensaubold
geht die Polonaise um die Empfänger! Und aus dem tiefsten Finnland
kommt die Musik dazu:

This is a forwarded message
From: swradio@xxxxxxxxxxx <swradio@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: name.geloescht@xxxxxxxxxxxx <name.geloescht@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, October 1, 2004, 9:36:55 AM
Subject: Octoberfests of SWR Virrat

===================Original message text===============

Hello radiofreaks!
SWR Virrat on 5980, 5990, 6170, 11690 and 11720 kHz.... We are
starting our regular monthly service today Friday evening 1st October
21 hours UTC time. Stay tuned and enjoy with us!
Please remember to report audibility of our frequencies.... Several
beautiful QSL-cards are waiting to be added to your collection! And as
you know this info is very important to us when planning our new
winter scedule... We need info of quality of our audio as well...
Comments, suggestions and ideas of program content are also very
welcome.... You can also call us to our phone number +358 400 995 559
(for example for music wishes etc.).
Our new postal address is: 
P.O.Box 99, 
FI-34801  VIRRAT

Tässä on SWR:n taajuusaikataulu 2. Lokakuuta 2004 lähetykseen.
Muutokset mahdollisia. (Ajat UTC)

Here is SWR's frequency schedule for October 1st-2nd 2004 broadcast.
Some changes might happen.

21-22  5980 11690 Tricky Trev Show: "Party Time" dance & party music
22-23           11720 
23-00                      Rj mess'n around with Rythm and blues  
00-05                      SWR Crew 
05-06  6170  11690 Science corner by Esa. Latest news from NASA.
06-07                       Kantoaaltoa suomirokilla höystettynä 
07-08                       Progressive rock and other strange things by Esa. 
08-09                       Janne ja Eetu sou! 
09-10                       Lauantailuotain Haastattelussa syöpätautien ja sädehoidon erikosilääkäri, ylilääkäri Martti Flander Etelä-                                 Karjalan keskussairaalasta. Toimittajana Pena-setä.
10-11                        SWR Crew 
11-12  5980             Janne ja Eetu sou! 
12-13                      Tricky Trev Show Music from the 60's & 70's  
13-14           11720 
14-16                      SWR Crew 
16-17                      Kantoaaltoa suomirokilla höystettynä 
17-18  5990            Science corner by Esa. The best of NASA. 
18-19  5980            Kantria ja hernerokkaa Rj 
19-20           11690 Saunan lämmitys by SWR Crew 
20-21                      Closing seremony by SWR Crew 

Alpo Heinonen

Scandinavian Weekend Radio

================End of original message text===========

Best regards,
 Martin                            mailto:name.geloescht@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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