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[A-DX] Christmas schedule on IRRS

  • Subject: [A-DX] Christmas schedule on IRRS
  • From: "walter eibl" <we@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 16:36:03 +0100 (MET)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Norton" <ron@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "walter eibl" <we@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 2:30 PM
Subject: 2006 Christmas schedule on IRRS

> Hello There from Milano,
> As every year at this time IRRS-Shortwave will run some additional
broadcast at
> high power (150 kW) around Christmas and the New Year. Although we will be
> beaming to Europe, North Africa and Middle East, we expect that reception
> also be possible outside our target ares in the Americas, Asia and
> - Saturday Dec. 23, 2006 on 5,775 kHz (150 kW):
> from 1900-2300 UTC (2000-0000 CET): featuring Radio Rasant (first hour)
> by three hours presented by Radio Marabu
> - Sunday Dec 24, 2006 on 9,310 kHz (150 kW):
>  From 1030-1300 UTC (1130-1400 UTC), a mix of the usual Sunday programs
> European Gospel Radio, featuring a special IPAR music program from Radio
> International (http://www.radiosix.com - Glasgow, Scotland) from 1200-1300
> (1300-1400 CET)
> - Our usual Sunday schedule follows (150 kW):
> on 15,735 kHz from 1300-1330 UTC to India (in English), and
> on  5,775 kHz from 1500-1600 UTC to Europe (in German), and
> on  5,775 kHz from 1700-1930 UTC to EU, N Africa and Middle East (in
> Check our special feature: "39 Dover Street" at on Dec. 24, 2006 on 5,775
> from 1845-1900 UTC, an IPAR program with poetry from New Zealand
> (http://www.doverstreet.org)
> - also on Sunday Dec. 24, 2006 we have a special 30 min. extension, on
5,775 kHz
> from 1930-2000 UTC (2030-2100 CET) featuring EMR/European Music Radio from
> London, England.
> - Lastly for this year on Sunday Dec. 31, 2006:
> on 9,310 kHz from 0930-1030 UTC (150 kW) we will broadcast a special
> from Radio Rasant (http://www.radiorasant.org), the student radio from
> in Germany, followed by our usual Sunday schedule.
> We will appreciate receiving your reception reports for any of our
> You can email reports@xxxxxxxxx - We will reply and answer all your
requests by
> email, and forward your reception reports to our broadcasters for further
> verification by letter or QSL.
> We hope you can enjoy our members programs during this Christmas season.
> those outside our main target areas, you can also tune to our simulcast
> streaming on Internet at http://mp3.nexus.org - For further information on
> programs please check our website at http://www.nexus.org -
> http://www.nexus.org/IPAR (International Public Access Radio) and
> http://www.egradio.org (European Gospel Radio).
> Merry Christmas and Happy New year from us all here at NEXUS-IBA in Milan!
> 73s de Ron
> -- 
> Ron Norton                       NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association
> email: ron@xxxxxxxxx          http://www.nexus.org

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