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[A-DX] Westküste und (pres.)Alaska auf MW!

  • Subject: [A-DX] Westküste und (pres.)Alaska auf MW!
  • From: <Christoph.Mayer@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 13:48:38 +0100

Hallo Liste,

die folgende Email habe ich heute Morgen an die MWC liste geschickt:

During the weekend excellent conditions have been noted on mediumwave.

Saturday morning: started listening late at after 0700 UTC and got WDFN-1130, a new one for me 


Sunday morning several Westcoast stations were logged. In addition to KOMO-1000, CHMB (on 1319.98 with CC px), CKWX-1130, and pres. CFUN-1410 with talk px


Sunday afternoon, I have recorded a complete ID of JOLF:
	"JOLF 1-2-4-2 Sunday 11.30 at night"

and the NHK2 stations on 1386 had a clear signal at s/off


The biggest surprise was a signal on 680 kHz. First noted at 1610 UTC, class. music was heard until 1800 UTC, in an out of the noise. 


At 1803 UTC the signal came up again with a serious OM talking. At 1800 Wilhelm Herbst in Fjerritslev has heard an NPR announcement on 680 on his 345° and 360° beverages.  

Note that this matches the schedule of KBRW http://www.kbrw.org/Schedule%20AM.pdf 

This morning there was again KOMO-1000 at ca. 0625 UTC, and as I left for work at 0650 UTC CHMB was just to come up on 1319.98.


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