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[A-DX] Ex Brunsvicum semper aliquid novi?

  • Subject: [A-DX] Ex Brunsvicum semper aliquid novi?
  • From: Michael Oexner <michael.oexner@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 21:58:11 +0200

Hallo zusammen,

Perseus ante portas war heute ja schon ein verheißungsvolles Thema,
und vielleicht kommt ja doch in absehbarer Zeit etwas Neues aus

================= begin quote ====================================

New model of KWZ this / next year ?

I made a trip to Germany in September and I visited the factory of
Kneisner & Doering briefly at Braunschweig. It was a nice discussion
with Mr. Kneisner who unveiled a bit of the new model of KWZ-receiver:
indeed we can wait for a true 32-bit DSP rx with some interesting
features like even better dynamics than the old one + spectrum display
etc. So I am really looking forward in seeing a real DX-receiver after
many years of decline of producing of the good receivers for DXers
also. At the picture you can see a part of the new set - the test of
the control software was going on. We talked also about their model of
SDR-receiver which we hope to test by the PUDXK-team later on. The SDR
is based on SDR-1000 model using the same software.

================== end quote =====================================

Ein Bild vom Tisch des Entwicklers: http://tinyurl.com/2ou8wy

Quelle: http://pudxk.blogspot.com/

vy 73 + gd DX,


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