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[A-DX] Night of Nights VIII Information

  • Subject: [A-DX] Night of Nights VIII Information
  • From: Harald Greiner <seth1703@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 18:24:55 +0200

Night of the Living (Commercial) CW:
from Brian D. Smith, W9IND (ex-WO9I, KA9OIH, WN9ICB) on July 11, 2007

The last commercial CW station fell silent in 1999, but once a year,
several of them fire up their vintage equipment for a one-night return
to the airwaves.

The eighth annual "Night of Nights" will begin at 0001 UTC July 13 --
which, in the continental United States, is the afternoon/evening of
Thursday, July 12.

CW transmissions will continue until at least 0700 UTC July 13, and the
stations will issue QSLs to those who submit valid reception reports.
Scheduled participants include such time-honored stations as KPH, WLO,
KFS (returning to the air) and NMN (participating for the first time
since the U.S. Coast Guard ended the use of Morse code).

Although "Night of Nights" is traditionally an SWL event, this year the
commercial stations will be joined by K6KPH, representing the Radio
Maritime Historical Society. Manned by professional operators, K6KPH
will accept reception reports for KPH, KFS and KSM. But the Society
encourages all hams to work the station: "(P)lease don't hesitate to
call, no matter what your code speed or experience level may be."

Incidentally, the stations prefer reports expressed as QSA/QRK or
SINPO/SINFO, since RST is "frowned upon," according to the Society.

For fans of CW and/or radio history, this is the real deal -- a chance
to obtain QSL cards from stations that are essentially returning from
the dead. For many hams, these stations provided a daily source of code
practice, thanks to their constantly repeating messages and perfectly
spaced characters.

For more information, follow this link:

Quelle: eHAM.net [ http://www.eham.net/articles/17064 ]

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