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[A-DX] Testsendungen ERA-5 Voice of Greece

  • Subject: [A-DX] Testsendungen ERA-5 Voice of Greece
  • From: Sven Dibbert <swl@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 20:56:28 +0100

Hallo Liste,

habe folgende Mail erhalten. Vielleicht hört ja noch jemand mal rein und teilt dem Herrn seine Empfangsbeobachtungen mit. Die Zeiten find ich ungünstig für mich. Am Samstag ist Distriktsversammlung die wird den ganzen Tag (bis 17Uhr) in Anspruch nehmen. Ich werd den Rekorder morgen ab 11 mitlaufen zu lassen. Sonntag kann ich dann "live" auf allen QRGs reinhören.

@Wolfgang Büschel: Landen solche Infos wie die jetzt automatisch in Deinen wöchentlichen News?

Grüße aus Erfurt Sven

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: 	Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:00:47 +0200
Von: 	Yorgos Stavropoulos <gstavrop@xxxxxx>
An: 	<swl@xxxxxxx>

Dear Mr. Dibbert,

On behalf of the technical team of Olympia Radio Coastal Station, I
thank you very much for your detailed reception report of our broadcast
of the "Voice of Greece" (ERA-5) program. I believe you may have already
received our QSL card.

Since your reception report on February 15th, we have implemented
certain technical adjustments in order to eliminate the "interruptions"
you mentioned in your letter and further improve the quality of the
sound. We would be grateful if you could send us another reception
report commenting on the new sound quality.

At the moment we broadcast ERA-5 program on _*AM*_ for a short trial
period (just a few more days) on the following frequencies:

11645 kHz from 07:00 - 10:00 UTC
15630 kHz from 11:00 - 15:45
  5865 kHz from 22:00 - 06:00

Thanks in advance for your help,

George Stavropoulos
Telecommunications Engineer
(Olympia Radio Coastal Station)

Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE S.A.)
27058 Epitalio - GREECE

tel.: +30 - 210  6060150, 1
       +30 - 26210  28799
fax.:+30 - 210  3405075

mob.: +30 -6972 212 222
e-mail: gshf@xxxxxxxxx, gstavrop@xxxxxx

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