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[A-DX] Re: [A-DX] 6090

ich konnte gestern einen Sender an der Südschleife der K9Ay auf 6090 bis
(ich glaube) 17 UTC mit typischer Musik wie man sie vom afrikan. Horn
her kennt, ganz gut verfolgen. DRM und andere Störungen waren fast
vollständig weg.
73 Thomas

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 19:44:25 +0100
Subject: Re: [A-DX] 6090
From: Thorsten Hallmann <hallmann-t@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: liste@xxxxxxx

schönen dank für die weiterleitung. Habe heute mal die anderen
frequenzen probiert, völlig erfolglos.

schöne feiertage!


> An Amharic-speaker has translated the announcement that is being
repeated on
> the new 6090 station. It says the tests are from Amhara Regional State
> radio. The following schedule is announced: 0300-0600, 0900-1100 and
> 1400-1700 GMT. I have confirmed these times to be correct.
> It is announcing three frequencies: 6090, 7264 (sic) and 9740. I have
> heard 6090, which has good signal strength.
> I've also heard the email address of AMMAwebmaster@xxxxxxxxx being
> on 6090 (or it could be ammawebmaster@xxxxxxxxx).
> The tests on 6090 are NOT in parallel with Amhara State radio which is
> on the listed 801 MW.
> I can hear a total of 11 SW transmitters from Ethiopia at present:
>  -- 5990v/7110/9704 Radio Ethiopia National Service.
>  -- 7165/9560v Radio Ethiopia External Service (and anti-Eritrea
> clandestines).
>  -- 6110/6890 Radio Fana (also heard on 1080 MW).
>  -- 5950/5980 V. of Tigray Revolution (5980 is only heard for the
> morning transmission, closing at 0530). Note: 5950 is much stronger
> 5980, but has telephone-quality audio, supporting the theory that 5980
> from Mekele (where the studio is) but 5950 is from Addis Ababa.
>  -- 6030 R.Oromia (also heard on 1035 MW).
>  -- 6090 The new Amhara State radio.
> There are also unidentified Ethiopian MW stations on 684 and 1044.
These are
> not in parallel with the National Service on 594/828/855/873/972.
> Chris (listening in Siaya District, western Kenya)
> --
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