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[A-DX] Nordkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur KCNA über Radio Free Asia

  • Subject: [A-DX] Nordkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur KCNA über Radio Free Asia
  • From: Arnulf Piontek <paekdu@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 11:19:18 +0100

Liebe Rundler!

Folgende Meldung der nordkoreanischen Nachrichtenagentur KCNA http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm von gestern möchte ich Euch wegen der Erwähnung von "Radio Free Asia" nicht vorenthalten.

Übrigens läuft seit heute früh 07:00 UTC planmäßig der neue Wintersendeplan der Stimme Koreas aus Pyongyang, damit eine Woche früher als bisher üblich..

vy '73,

OM Arnulf Piontek

DPRK's View on Information and Communication Expressed

Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Today information activities are playing an important role in promoting peace, security and social unity and sustainable development of the world and the rapid development of information and communication technology, in particular, is exerting great influence on all fabrics of human life, said a DPRK delegate, clarifying the view of the delegation of the DPRK in a speech made at the meeting of the Fourth Committee of the 63rd UN General Assembly on Oct. 21.

He accused some specified countries of spreading their "view on value" and lifestyle among other countries after monopolizing information and communication media and floating misinformation to create social confusion.

He went on to say: The U.S. "Radio Free Asia" targeting against the DPRK and many other Asian countries, for example, is a wanton violation of the UN Charter and the principle of international law. If such phenomena are allowed to go on, the world will plunge into disorder and confusion.

He stressed the need to regard it as a primary task to establish a new and fair order in the international information activities and pay special attention to increasing the capacity of information and communication in developing countries.

He expressed the expectation that the Information Department of the UN Secretariat would make greater efforts for boosting the information capacity and training technical personnel in developing countries.

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