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[A-DX] Chad tx von Thomson, 250 kW und 3 neue Quadrant Antennen, 4904 6165 7120

  • Subject: [A-DX] Chad tx von Thomson, 250 kW und 3 neue Quadrant Antennen, 4904 6165 7120
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 23:19:08 +0200

Heute kamen die Radio News von Thomson - Grass Valley herein.
250 kW im Tropenband sind selten.

CHAD   2008 has started well for Thomson with highlights.
We are especially proud of the successful completion of a challenging
shortwave project for RNT (Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne) in Chad.
Since beginning of January, the government owned and operated radio station
at Gredia is broadcasting to the entire country with a new Thomson 250 kW
shortwave transmitter and 3 quadrant antennas. In spite of the critical
political situation on site, Thomson teams worked selflessly around the
clock to put the new equipment on air.

Such times of political turbulence testify to the strategic importance of AM
radio, when shortwave is often the only reliable band connecting a country
with the rest of the world.

Radio broadcasting is crucial for the dissemination of information in Chad.
It is the main source for news and entertainment right throughout the
country for most people due to the fact that the national television station
is available only in the capital city area.

Our mission is to supply our customers with reliable transmission equipment
that supports cost-efficient media implementation.

Our products are based on the newest technologies, designed to work well in
even the most difficult conditions and optimized for the best signal on air
for digital or analog platforms.
(Thomson BMAG / Thomson Grass Valley;
Radio News spring 2008, issue 29; Apr 28)

CHD CTCD N'djamena Gredia MW 840 SW 4904 6165 7120 kHz
12 06 45.39 N  15 04 28.49 E

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