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[A-DX] Neues AWR-Relay

  • Subject: [A-DX] Neues AWR-Relay
  • From: "Paul Gager" <aon.913879759@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:57:30 +0200

Hard-Core-DX mailing list meldet:

Dear Radio Colleague,

For those who are collecting QSL cards from the many AWR relay sites, a new relay location has just been implemented. Adventist World Radio is now on relay from the Issoudun site in France for
1 & 1/2 hours daily.  This is the schedule:-

1630 - 1700  UTC      17575 kHz  250 kW Somali to Somalia
1700 - 1800             17575         250        Oromo to Ethiopia

Dr Adrian Peterson
DX Editor
Adventist World Radio

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