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Re: [A-DX] DW-Rundbrief

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] DW-Rundbrief
  • From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:25:59 +0200

Paul Gager schrieb:

Kiev 549 kHz (Ukrainisch)//105, 0 MHz // 71, 3 MHz

Na das war ja auch wieder ein geschickter Schachzug, der DW die Kurzwelle und das Grigoripol-Relay für Ukrainsich-Sendungen zu Gunsten von Re-Broadcasting abzuschalten, aber es bleiben ja immerhin noch 2 UKW-Frequenzen in Kiev übrig:

As Olexandr Yegorov wrote in open_dx yg, from the 1st of April (unfortunately, no connection with the fool's day ;)) the following transmitters of the Ukrainian Radio have been switched OFF, perhaps till the end of 2008:
UR2 "Promin'": 549 kHz - Kyyiv, Mykolayiv, L'viv, Vynnytsya;
UR3 "Kul'tura": 657 kHz - Chernivtsi (partially; the new schedule is 1700-2130 UTC incl. relay of RUI in Roumanian 1700-1730, 1930-2000 & 2100-2130);
837 kHz - Kharkiv;
1242 kHz - Donets'k.
The transmitters carrying UR1 as well as the UR3 Crimean 1242 kHz outlet are still working under the previous schedule (effective 1 Jan 2008).
73! Serghey Nikishin Moscow, Russia via EMWG (8/4-2008)

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