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Re: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] Issodun mit neuem Alliss-Modul "on Air"

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] Issodun mit neuem Alliss-Modul "on Air"
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:39:24 +0200

Die Amis waren dann 50 Jahre rundfunkmäßig in Marokko.

Der Vertrag wurde 1984 erneuert, um Briech zu errichten, 10 Jahre später
1993 bis 1995 wurde nach und nach 10 x 500 kW Sender und ein Antennenwald errichtet. In Google Earth sieht man die Ausmasse.

Dat Janze wird Ende 2008 an die Marokkaner zurück gegeben.

The facility includes about 2,000 acres of land with
80,000 square feet of buildings and 10 high-power (500 kW) shortwave

The Briech plant cost 200 Mio. USD and is designed for a lifetime of
50 years. 16 km of coax line to the antennas have been installed.


The transmitters at Briech are Marconi designs (B 6128) but have been
built at Cincinnati, the deal is described as hardly more than a simple
technology transfer. Such transmitters can be also found at Udon Thani
and Iranawila. This deal was the unexpected outcome of a process which
included the installation of sample transmitters from Continental and
Marconi at Greenville-A as well as from Brown Boveri and Telefunken at
Greenville-B. Cf. pages 189...192 of

(KL in 2007)

"The rising cost of operating the Morocco station prompted this decision,"
Letitia King, chief of media relations for the International Broadcasting
Bureau, told RW. The facility includes about 2,000 acres of land with
80,000 square feet of buildings and 10 high-power (500 kW) shortwave
transmitters. It carries U.S. government broadcasts from Voice of America,
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio Farda.

U.S. officials expect to save $3 million to $4 million a year; actual
savings will depend on the cost of the new lease arrangements and other
expenses related to continuing transmissions, she said.

There are 56 government employees there, including four U.S. citizens and
52 local employees. "The U.S. Government will honor its commitments to
each of the Morocco Transmitting Station's employees by providing fair and
equitable treatment under the scope of the U.S. Embassy agreements," King
said; a memo to staff states that affected employees will receive
severance compensation.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Robic" Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] Issodun mit neuem Alliss-Modul "on Air"

Name gelöscht schrieb:

Am 01.04.2008 um 00:17 schrieb Kai Ludwig:

Im übrigen kann, wer das hier noch bis 2.00 Uhr liest, sogleich mal auf
7135 kHz reinhören. Da spielt sie, die -- wie Wolfgang schon betonte --
erst um 1990 für fast eine Viertelmilliarde US-Dollar gebaute
Sendeanlage in Marokko.

Meine Briech-QSL ist vom 20.5.94, und da ich mir sowas wie eine neue
VOA-Station eigentlich immer recht zeitnah gezogen habe, sollten die wohl
erst Ende 93 oder Anfang 94 mit Sendungen begonnen haben.

Ich hab eine vom Nov. 93. Ende 93 dürfte also realistisch sein. Auf der
QSL von 1991 wurde noch das alte Relay in Tanger bestätigt.


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