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[A-DX] Fw: 5020 Solomons and Frequency change for DW to AUS/NZL

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: 5020 Solomons and Frequency change for DW to AUS/NZL
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 09:41:18 +0100

Für die Perseus Bindfadenleser in Mertendorf, Burgdorf, Giessen und
anderswo.  wb

SOLOMON ISLS  5020  By the way, Solomon Islands on 5020 kHz has been off,
but is now back after Radio N.Z. transmitter technician Steve White made a
hurried trip to Honiara to repair the transmitter.

And from today: I forgot to mention that 5020 kHz is now on air 24 hours

NETHERLAND ANTILLES   9785/9885  Frequency change for DW to AUS/NZL.
From Jan 1, 2010, DW's broadcast in German to Australia and New Zealand at
0800-1000 UTC via RNW Bonaire will change from 9885 to 9785 kHz, 250 kW at 230 degrees.

They were being hammered for the first hour by Beijing China on 9880 kHz in
Mandarin Chinese.
(Gordon Brown-NZL, NWDXC Dec 23)

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