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[A-DX] Radio Prag: Kürzungen

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio Prag: Kürzungen
  • From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" <douglas.kaehler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 22:05:11 +0100

Nachfolgender Brief erreichte mich via Facebook. In Kürze: Es geht weiter
auf Kurzwelle, wenn auch nicht mehr in bisherigem Ausmaß. Litomysl
verabschiedet sich wohl, andere Sender im Ausland übernehmen die Sendungen.

Please see letter below kindly forwarded for distribution by Anker Peterson
in Denmark:

Dear Mr. Petersen, 

thank you very much for your letter of October 16, 2009. I would like to
appreciate your interest in broadcast of the Czech Radio Prague. We are
proud to have such a radio and there is no intention to stop its broadcast.
The Radio helps promote the good name of the Czech Republic in the world and
plays a key role also for Czechs living abroad. Great support and
encouragement for Czech countrymen is also the Internet site www.krajane.net
managed by the Radio. 

Due to current financial crisis the Government of the Czech Republic decided
in June 2009 to reduce the state budget by 20%. Following the Government
Resolution No. 715 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is obliged to reduce the
budget of the Radio for 2010 also by 20%. 

According to the data received from the Radio the reduction will mean saving
on all budgetary items and increasing of the Internet budget. The short-wave
broadcast will be retained in reduced form. Foreign transmitters will
probably replace some of the transmitters in Northern Bohemia. The broadcast
in different languages should remain unchanged. 

Thank you very much again for your interest in the broadcast from the Czech
Republic. If you have more questions please do not hesitate to contact
directly the Czech Radio or our Ministry. 

Yours faithfully Robert Řehák 

Quelle: Jonathan Murphy 

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