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[A-DX] Fwd: Sunday Nov. 22nd 2009

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: FRS-Holland <frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
> Datum: 21. November 2009 09:38:05 MEZ
> An: FRS-Holland <frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
> Betreff: Sunday Nov. 22nd 2009
> Hello SW Friends,
> Next Sunday November 22nd sees a full repeat of last week's broadcast .
> The broadcast will start at 10.52 UTC/ 11.52 CET sharp and close down will be at 15.40 UTC/16.40 CET.
> Of course we do hope propagation will be satisfactory that day. That was certainly the case last Sunday and
> we were happy about the results. 5810 was doing fine and  7600 was excellent at various locations throughout Europe.
> Next Sunday we have chosen to start 3 hours later than on the 15th to find out how the 7600 signal 'behaves' later in the
> afternoon. And there's another important change: instead of 5810, we will be on 9300 kHz/ 31 metres. Of course we are very
> curious how the 9300 signal will do, especially in those areas where 7600 is only poor/ fair.
> Radio entertainment on a Sunday. Tune in...7600 kHz/ 39 metres ánd 9300 kHz / 31 metres (low power only).
> Info about the internet stream:
> One Sun Nov. 22nd FRS will be again active with an Internet stream. Surf to http://radio-freeform.de:8290/listen.pls.
> We will most likely start at 14.00 UTC/ 15.00 CET.
> 73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)
> Address: FRSH, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in The Netherlands.
> Email: < frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx >
> Free Radio Service Holland is an Independent and Free radio station broadcasting on SW since August 1980.
> Broadcasts are carried out in Dutch, German & English at an irregular basis on 48 & 41 metres.  

Martin     http://webadresse.geloescht/

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