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[A-DX] DX Cluster für SWL

  • Subject: [A-DX] DX Cluster für SWL
  • From: Tom DF5JL <df5jl@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 08:28:04 +0100

Habe dies über die DRM-L-Liste empfangen -- zur allg. Info:


I would like to invite the radio listener community to visit the SWL
Cluster recently created by Felipe Ceglia, PY1NB:


The idea is provide on-line real time informations about what is heard
at same time on different locations around the globe inside a
collaborative system. It?s like Amateur Radio DX Cluster, but devoted to

We are in the first steps of the cluster and looking for partners to
improve the net, receive suggestions, exchange links, etc.

DX Watch is one website with advanced cluster data, including automatic
CW logs received from SDRs with map views, the "Reverse Beacon Project".

More informations: http://www.dxwatch.com

Flavio PY2ZX

Tom DF5JL | Echolink Node# 25976 | AMSAT #0902657
QTH: 53881 Euskirchen | 213 m NN | QTH Loc JO3ØKO
50.61308 N, 6.86875 E | Skype tom_df5jl
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