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[A-DX] Fw: DRM "Echo des Tages" & N-TV on 7330kHz

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: DRM "Echo des Tages" & N-TV on 7330kHz
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 19:56:46 +0200

Sei-ichi sucht Hilfe, da fehlt mir der DRM Durchblick.
Echo des Tages kenne ich nur im Zusammenhang mit dem WDR Köln.
Wie stellt sich der Zusammenhang mit einer N-TV Sendung? - aber als Data Dienst?

7330 18-19 UT
14.56 kbps EEP AAC+ Mono
Echo des Tages
German News


17.28 kbps EEP Data: MOT Broadcast Web Site

73 wb

Im August gab es dies aus Nauen, DTK/Media&Broadcast

GERMANY   QSL 9530drm transmissions from Nauen towards North Atlantic

Die Westdeutsche Allgemeine bestaetigte mir den Empfang des DRM-
Datendienstes WAZ Nachrichten auf 9530 kHz mit abgestempelter PPC
innerhalb von 16 Tagen.

Adresse: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft
E. Brost & J. Funke,
Friedrichstrasse 34-38, D-45128 Essen, Germany.

So, und wo soll ich die QSL jetzt einordnen ? - unter Utility ? -
Rundfunksendung war's ja keine.
(Patrick Robic-AUT, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 24, 2009)

GERMANY   9530drm  is reported to have service label "WAZ Nachrichten,
Germany". Here's some more info ...
(Alokesh Gupta-IND, dxld Aug 4, 2009)

9530drm 2205-2305 UT M&B/DTK Nauen 200 kW. Die MEDIA BROADCAST testet aus
Nauen mit 200 kW, das RSS-Feed der WAZ wurde dann als Content f?r den
Journalineservice verwendet.
(Douglas Kaehler-D, A-DX Aug 5, 2009)

I'm still reading Echo des Tages DRM news in German on 9530drm 2200-2230
UT and WAZ Nachrichten Journaline text data starting at 2230. Haven't
checked end time for WAZ. Also reading VOA/HCJB DRM audio + pictures at
2220. Weak with ID but no decode. 9405 strong signal starting at 2230.
Intermittent decode, playing contemporary rock music. ID stated DRM test
and listed email address. Didn't copy address as signal was off at 2231

This transmission originates from Nauen, Germany (200 kW). The label "WAZ
Nachrichten" is related to a newspaper from the city of Wolfsburg [sic WAZ
Essen], MEDIA BROADCAST uses their RSS feed as content for the Journaline
service. The "Echo des Tages" is produced by two public radio-stations,
WDR 5 and NDR Info. It is available as a podcast on
(Terry Wilson-MI-USA, dxld Aug 4, 2009)

So it is Nauen. That is why the reception here is problematic; Nauen
always was. I got surprisingly much decoded audio, more than expected. The
"Echo des Tages" was just that: A summary of the news from NDR Info.
Between 2219 and 2221 I noticed many interruptions in the DRM modulation.
At 2221 UTC there was a time check "18:05". The Channel Impulse Response
was high, about 4 to 6 ms, which seems to be bad for the decoding (?).

From approx. 2235 the label changed to WAZ Nachrichten, Journaline. I
could retrieve all contents without problems.
from Switzerland item, Aug 6, 2009)

ECHO DES TAGES - 9530 kHz DRM on 30 July from 2215 to 2230 UT. Audio
broadcast with news in German. Audio clip with station
ID at end here: <http://www.mediafire.com/?jyjmm2uzm1m>


This is a joint programme from Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) and
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), a relic from the former Nordwestdeutscher
Rundfunk, split up already in 1956 but with a joint radio service
remaining until 1981. Another such joint news magazine still airs at 23:30
CET, on the Cologne side on WDR 2. This one here goes out at 1630 UT, so
the ominous DRM relay is a 5.5 hours old recording.

Deutsche Welle has nothing to do with this. They have been created by
Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk and make heavy use of news material from the
regional public broadcasters, but do not rebroadcast complete programmes.

The remarkable thing here is that this strange outlet sails under the flag
of the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ) publishers. I guess that the
text messages in question originate from their online department.

The really interesting question (for those observing the German media
scene much more interesting than transmitter site etc.) is how such a WAZ
service can make use of WDR audio material. In fact WAZ and WDR already
struck a controversially discussed deal under which WAZ can use WDR video
material for online publication. But now it seems that the cooperation
goes beyond some video clips.

Still the question remains who is behind this DRM service. If it was WDR
itself it would be quite remarkable how it gets flagged as a WAZ service.
Be that as it may, I'm not surprised at all that the whole thing is run in
a clandestine manner so far.
(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Aug 6, 2009)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sei-ichi Hasegawa"
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:26 AM
Subject: DRM "Echo des Tages" & N-TV on 7330kHz

Dear OM,
NDR Info."Echo des Tages" and N-TV on 7330 kHz at 1800-1900 are good
reception in Japan.

Is this test broadcast of DW ?

TX site, Power and beam? ?

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