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[A-DX] FWD: BBC publishes results of DRM medium wave trials

  • Subject: [A-DX] FWD: BBC publishes results of DRM medium wave trials
  • From: Tom DF5JL <df5jl@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 15:27:55 +0200

Digital Radio Mondiale- our medium wave experiences:

Links to the full report, split into three parts, can be found at this webpage:

Mike Barraclough

Tom DF5JL | Echolink Node# 25976 | MW/KW-RX: Lowe HF150, Sony ICF7600D, Roadstar TRA-2350P (6 & 3.5 kHz-Filter, Martens-modifiziert), GD82 NF-Filter, aperiodische 6.3-m-Sloperantenne @ 1:9-UnUn-Trafo | DRM-RX: SDR TenTec RX-320D & HCJB-Pappradio an PAØRTD Miniwhip-Aktivantenne | WLAN-RX: IPdio (TMC) an DSL 2000 | QTH: 53881 Euskirchen-Schweinheim - 224 m über NN; QTH Locator JO3ØKO LON 06°52'07" E LAT 50°36'47" N
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