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[A-DX] Post aus St. Helena

  • Subject: [A-DX] Post aus St. Helena
  • From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" <douglas.kaehler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 12:42:42 +0200

Ui, schön schön!

Soeben kam ein Brief aus St. Helena, aber mit zwei QSLs! 

Einmal das aktuelle Motiv (Nr. 191) für den St. Helena Day 2008 und eine
weitere Karte mit Nr. 274 für den Empfang des Jubiläumsprogramms 2007
(natürlich mit passender Karte)! 

Beigelegt wurde auch noch eine kurze Notiz vom Stationsleiter Gary Walters.
Er schickte gestern auch eine kurze Infomail:

Dear All
Many thanks for your letters which were all received.  I read them all and
it was good to know that so many of you were out there listening and from
all around the world.  
However, I am very pleased to say that all the QSL cards for 2008 have been
done and have left the island on the 8 May 2009.  From here they went to
Ascension Island and then to the United Kingdom.
Thanks to those of you in the United Kingdom and Ireland who have e-mail to
say you have received yours.
May I take this opportunity to thank you once again and to say keep it tuned
to Radio St Helena on shortwave 11092.5 USB coming soon!!!
With regards


Gary Walters                                                       
Station Manager
Radio St Helena
St Pauls
St Helena Island
South Atlantic Ocean
Phone:  + 290 4542
Live in studio: + 290 4654
Fax: + 290 4542
E-mail: station.manager@xxxxxxxxxx
 Grüße, Douglas

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