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Re: [A-DX] Mittelwelle 1600 bis 1700 kHz

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Mittelwelle 1600 bis 1700 kHz
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 22:30:01 +0200

Hallo Manfred,

derzeit lohnt der Empfang gegen 04 UT, nachfolgend einige Logs die kürzlich in Italien gemacht wurden:
Also viel Erfolg mit dem Perseus!

73 Christoph

Few tips made on MW from Bocca di Magra (La Spezia) I had 20 burning minutes
with a great opening 0405-0425, with many signals but only few ids.

On 1370 I found 5 stations together with similar signal but all on a
frequency a little different, the spectrum looked like a small DRM curve...
Of course no one was readable

On the air also several Mexican radios. Also on 1400 XEVI, with local
comercials from San Juan del Rio Queretaro with 1 KW.


740 30/4 0342 Sociedad de Bahia Brazil nice songs fair

1030  1/5  0045 Radio del Plata Argentina  talks  fair

1040  30/4 0338 Radio Capital Brazil Talks  Weak

1190  30/4 0333 Radio America  Argentina  talks  fair

1220  30/4 0428 Radio Globo   Brazil   slow songs, talks  fair

1370 30/4 0420 Five LA carriers together !

1390  30/4 0415 Fe y Alegria  Venezuela  songs, talks   good

1390  1/5  0106 WEGP, Presque Isl, ME   USA  talks  weak

1400 30/4 0420 XEVI, San Juan del Rio Queretaro, Mexico songs, pubblicità
locale, 1KW  fair/good (thanks to Dario Monferini for his help)

1470 30/4 0420 XEAI Radio Formula, Mexico City, Mexico Song, mixed with
other LA stations fair

1490  30/4 0417 WBAE, Portland, ME  USA  oldies   weak

1499.86v 30/4 0415 Radio Santa Rosa  Peru Talks (in LSB to avoid Mexico)

1500  30/4 0410 Radio Formula   Mexico   romantic songs   very good

1520  30/4 0407 WWKB, Buffalo NY  USA  talks  poor

1620  30/4 0348 WDHP  Virgin Islands songs, talks, news   fair

RX: Perseus
Ant: Wellbrook LFL 1010
QTH: Bocca di Magra, La Spezia, Italia

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia


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