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[A-DX] Perseus: Geniale neue Userlist!

  • Subject: [A-DX] Perseus: Geniale neue Userlist!
  • From: "Nils Schiffhauer" <dk8ok@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:55:36 -0000

Moin, moin - Peer-Axel (DL2LBP) wie in der Perseus-Mailinglist auf eine neue Userlist.txt hin, die in Umfang und Funktionalität einfach genial ist und prachtvoll funktioniert:


    * LW, MW and SW complete (combined and modified MWLIST, Eibi, HFCC)
    * strongest stations on top
    * schedule times
    * db values (signal strength prediction, after time column)
    * medium wave offsets (exact carrier frequencies by Hz)
    * programmes
    * power in KW (after program name)
    * transmitter locations

Data example (990 KHz):
0001 2359 037 997 Deutschlandr/100 D (de) Berlin

transmission times not yet in database /prediction -37 dB during dark hours / carrier frequency is 989.997 KHz / 100 kW / ITU country code D for Germany / German language (de) / Transmitter located in Berlin

Unfortunately the predefined format (Eibi style) is limited to very few characters, program names and locations are cut. Schedule times 0001*2359 indicate that times are unknown. The dB prediction refers to the time during the transmission when the signal is strongest (SW). For MW it's generally midnight local time.

Rightclick on the download link, save in Perseus folder as userlist.txt (remove php suffix !)
It usually takes one minute until the file is produced and downloaded.

The dB values work quite fine for my ALA1530S (50m RG58U) on MW for the stations <3000km here. The SW prognosis is only rough.

Data still needs to be improved. The next major data update will be around April after the start of the summer schedule, also including the TBL data (merging all these sources is quite a project).

73 Nils, DK8OK

• QTH Burgdorf 52.27N 10.01E | RX Perseus | ANT 41 m Windom @12 m · 96 m Delta Loop @12 m · DX-One | Software · Decoder Wavecom W-CL · SpectraPlus · SBSpectrum · NDBFinder | PC Dual Core @3,3 GHz | http://web.mac.com/nils.schiffhauer

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