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[A-DX] FYI: Radio Australia gains big audiences on FM compared to shortwave

  • Subject: [A-DX] FYI: Radio Australia gains big audiences on FM compared to shortwave
  • From: Juergen Fenn <juergen.fenn@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:13:18 +0100


Es wurden wieder Hörer gezählt:

> "The survey results indicate that Radio Australia is gaining support 
> in the Pacific, and positioned as the market leader for international
> broadcasters. These figures show how we have re-invented ourselves
> by broadcasting in target centres through our 24 hour FM
> transmission, as opposed to 5 years ago, where we only broadcast into
> the Pacific via shortwave transmission,” remarked Radio Australia’s
> CEO Hanh Tran.


> Radio Australia continues to broadcast via shortwave but now also
> broadcasts via 11 FM transmitters in major urban centres throughout
> the Pacific, with an expected 3 more transmitters to be included in
> the Northern Pacific by the end of the year.


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