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Fw: [A-DX] RP 5930

  • Subject: Fw: [A-DX] RP 5930
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 19:13:06 +0100

Hallo Paul und Karl, aus Prag kam heute diese Mail:

... due to a problem with the short-duration outage of
the distribution of the programme material between the
Radio Prague studio and the Litomysl transmitter site.

was immer man sich darunter vorstellen kann...
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Oldrich Cip"
To: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [A-DX] RP 5930

Dear Wolfgang,
Thanks a lot for letting us know about the problem with the
reception of the 1300 UTC transmission in German. Actually, this was
not on account of a bad weather but rather due to a problem with the
short-duration outage of the distribution of the programme material
between the Radio Prague studio and the Litomysl transmitter site.

In regard to the absence of the 49 meter band singal in French at
1930 UTC, kindly note that seasonal propagation conditions at this
time in the evening are probably adversely affected by the large
dimensions of the "skip-zone" in the vicinity of the transmitter.

Thanks again for keeping in touch and telling us!
Friendly greetings,

------------------------- Original Message -------------------------
Dear Mr. Cip,
what happened on the shortwave transmission site Litomysl today?
Problems with main power line distributing during heavy snowfall ?

No Radio Prague German service heard mornings and at noon today
Feb 11.

Now at 1930 UT I miss the French service in 49 meterband too !

Kind regards
Wolfgang Bueschel   df5sx
Stuttgart Germany

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [A-DX] RP 5930

Hallo Paul,Hallo Liste,
auch heute um 13 UTC bis 13:14 UTC  auf 6055 KHz und 7345 KHz kein
Signal von RP. Was war los ? ???
Auf eine Anfrage bei RP bisher keine Reaktion.
73´s Karl

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