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Re: [A-DX] Adresse von New York Volmet gesucht

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Adresse von New York Volmet gesucht
  • From: Name gelöscht <name.geloescht@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 18:31:04 +0200

Am 11.06.2010 um 17:48 schrieb Friedrich-Walter Adam:

> Micha,
> die Spezial-Frequenzliste 2009/10 git folgende Adresse an:

So richtig old school Empfangsbericht schreiben? Noch so mit Adressaufkleber und Postkarte des Heimatkraals? Süß!

Kurzes Gurgeln nach New York Volmet Contact brachte:


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will be conducting a test using the New York high frequency (HF) VOLMET station which broadcasts meteorological information to aircraft in flight over the Atlantic Ocean.
During the test which runs from November 3rd to December 20th, the wattage of the New York VOLMET station will be reduced from 5,000 watts to 1,000 watts on all four of the VOLMET station's frequencies.
Business Aviation operators flying in the North Atlantic airspace (NAT ICAO region) are requested to provide feedback on the signal strength of the broadcast to NBAA using the FAA's VOLMET testing form.  Download the FAA's VOLMET testing form from the NBAA website at http://web.nbaa.org/public/ops/intl/nat/2008volmettest.php
We thank you very much for your kind co-operation !
Should you have any question regarding this issue, please contact
Mr. Mark Larsen
NBAA Operations Service Group
+1 (202) 783-9250 * info@xxxxxxxx
Direct Line: +1 (202) 737-4473

Und wenn man dann mal nach einer dienstlichen eMail von Mark Larsen sucht (nicht das generische info@ Zeug, für das sich niemand zuständig fühlt), dann findet man mlarsen@xxxxxxxx 

Martin     http://webadresse.geloescht/


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