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[A-DX] Re: [A-DX] FEBC-Saipan schließt

  • Subject: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] FEBC-Saipan schließt
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 19:54:58 +0200

Der Zeitungsbericht wird wohl durch den Immobilienverkauf / Abriss
bis zum Jahresende ausgelöst? Und kommt einige Monate zu spät.

Jedenfalls war bei KFBS Marpi, Saipan bereits am 30. April endgültig
Sendeschluß auf Kurzwelle. Die noch verwendbaren drei 100 kW Sender wurden
in die Philippinen verbracht. Das wurde ja anfangs Mai gemeldet.

73 wb

Adieu KFBS
9585 1200 1300 43S,44S,49     FBS 100 278 Mis USA FBS
11580 1300 1400 42-44          FBS 100 294 Chi USA FBS
11650 1100 1130 21-26,31-34    FBS 100 341 Mis USA FBS
11650 1130 1400 20-24,30-34,42 FBS 100 323 Mul USA FBS
11850 0830 0900 49S,50,54      FBS 100 242 Mis USA FBS
11895 1200 1300 43S,44S,49     FBS 100 278 Mis USA FBS
11920 1130 1200 49S,50S,51W,54 FBS 100 242 Mis USA FBS
11990 0930 1000 32S,33SW,43N,4 FBS 100 323 Mon USA FBS
12090 2230 2300 43S,44S,49     FBS 100 276 Mis USA FBS
15450 2230 2330 49S,50S,51W,54 FBS 100 242 Mis USA FBS
15580 0900 1130 49S,50S,51W,54 FBS 100 242 Mis USA FBS
15580 2330 2359 49S,50S,51W,54 FBS 100 242 Mis USA FBS

SAIPAN   [Mariana Isls]   The Saga of Saipan's KFBS, RIP.

Glenn, Here's the scoop on KFBS: Glenn, The FEBC station is the process of
dismantling that operation. Apparently the recession is hitting them hard
as well and the listenership of their shortwave had dropped off. It's good
that it has not gone unnoticed.
(Derek Gifford, Saipan via Glenn Swiderski-NC-USA, dxld May 16, 2011)

Hi Glenn, I am a retired Broadcast engineer and was at KFBS in Saipan in
March and April helping to remove one of the transmitters. I can confirm
that all transmission ceased on 30 April and the station is now being
dismantled. The three transmitters are being sent to FEBC in the
Philippines for installation at Bocaue and Iba.

Following is an e-mail I received from FEBC:
Hi Graham, Thanks for all you were able to bring to the table in Saipan. I
know they appreciated your experience there immensely. I have forward
below the email Luke sent out along with the attached history of Saipan -
you may be interested to read. Will keep in touch
Rev. Kevin Keegan, Caringbah NSW-AUS, National Director, FEBC Australia.
dxld May 14, 2011.

[febc-announce] Praise the Lord for KFBS on Saipan
Dear Brother and Sister:
We will mark an important historic moment on Saturday 30 April. After
serving FEBC and the listeners throughout Asia and the former Soviet Union
for 27 years, KFBS will sign off for the last time when the broadcast ends
at 11:00 pm Saturday 30 April Saipan time. To mark this occasion, the FEBC
team on Saipan will hold special Thanksgiving Service at 10:30pm to give
thanks to God for the ministry He enabled and honor the contribution of
all those who have served and contributed to the ministry on Saipan.

I have attached an 11-page document with major highlights of the history
of our ministry on Saipan for your information. I hope you will all
cherish it as I do. Here is an excerpt from that document. Incidentally,
KFBS first signed on 26 April 1984, almost exactly 27 years ago.
[full document below]

The Lord's name is to be praised. Luke Cheng, Vice President for
International Ministries, Far East Broadcasting Company. April 29
(via Graham BAKER, NIGHTCLIFF NT 0810, AUSTRALIA, dxld May 14, 2011)

----- Original Message ----- From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:21 PM
Subject: [A-DX] FEBC-Saipan schließt
Hatten wir diese Information schon? Nachdem uns bis zum Jahresende ja
bereits Rampisham und Sines verlassen, wird auch der FEBC-Sender auf Saipan
abgeschaltet, wie man unter
<http://www.saipantribune.com/newsstory.aspx?cat=1&newsID=112098> lesen kann
(Info via DXLD).

Tschüss, Douglas

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