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[A-DX] Some kind of "Interprogram" style of shortwave station?

  • Subject: [A-DX] Some kind of "Interprogram" style of shortwave station?
  • From: Marc Coevoet <sintsixtus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 00:35:39 +0200


When it was in the news that Radio Netherlands might lose its shortwave transmissions, and especially its popular programming for truck drivers, I thought about the "public interest" of such a station for Europe. One can imagine a radio station where some music is heard, and announcements (in more that one singular language) of news, traffic and weather info.

Then I remembered a project from Euranet.
They sponsored a news hour on 1296 Khz at 17h CET some years ago.

Would it be possible to "reinvent" such kind of radio? (°)

One cannot listen to a G3 kind of internet radio in a moving "target".
(it is unpayable, and although "theoretically viable", in reality does not work).

(°) Would it be possible to reinvent "the state", "the government", "public sector" ... Would we have to say: we'll split the Post, not for efficiency or so called free market, but we want a 100% runners, a full 100% chaos, and a full 100% unhappy workers??? And of course, a 100% tax payers money. Because we'll put it in something they can fight with. They only need "food" to fight with. Darwin does not exist in economy, we need to feed the idea of its existence ...

The "Penguin" has arrived - and he's not going away - ever.
What's on Shortwave guide: choose an hour, go!
700+ Radio Stations on SW http://swstations.tk
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