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[A-DX] DRM - zu Weihnachten 2012

  • Subject: [A-DX] DRM - zu Weihnachten 2012
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 14:07:13 +0200

producing a large number of such {DRM} receivers within a 12- to 18-month

----- Original Message ----- From: wyfr
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:54 PM
Subject: News Release from NASB, at 2011 Annual Meeting

The NASB meeting took place on the Majesty of the Seas May 13 to 16, sailing
from Miami to CocoCay and Nassau in the Bahamas, then returning to Miami.
Twenty-one persons from the United States, France, England and Finland
participated, including representatives of NASB member stations, associate
member organizations and DX clubs.  It was the first time the NASB has ever
held its annual meeting on a cruise ship.  In addition to the meetings,
delegates were able to enjoy a variety of entertainment onboard the ship, a
private beach resort in the Bahamas, and a sightseeing tour of Nassau,
capital of the Bahamas.

The meeting began May 13th with a presentation sent especially for the
meeting by Chinese shortwave listener and language teacher Cui Litang, who
explained about Chinese jamming of shortwave signals and Internet sites, as
well as about his use of shortwave station language programs for teaching
English in China.  John Wineman of HCJB's Global Technology Center in
Indiana showed the new Pappradio DRM receiver housed in a small external
hard drive box.

For a totally different venue, Jerome Hirigoyen of TDF -- Telediffusion de
France -- told about his company's shortwave sites and other installations,
including the large relay station in exotic Montsinery, French Guiana, where
a number of 500-kilowatt transmitters are located, reaching nearly all of
the Americas and West Africa as well.

Michel Penneroux, chairman of the DRM Consortium's Commercial Committee,
explained the difficulties and delays involved with the mass production of
low-cost DRM digital shortwave receivers, and he presented an investment
plan for producing a large number of such receivers within a 12- to 18-month

Rex Morgan, senior producer for Latin America for World Christian
Broadcasting, talked about his efforts to reach Latin American listeners
from Miami via shortwave and other media, and Kok Hai Tan from the same
organization presented a timely video about the progress of World Christian
Broadcasting's new shortwave station being built in Madagascar and where it
will reach with programs in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages,
including transmissions to India.
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