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[A-DX] Radio Rasant

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio Rasant
  • From: "Friedrich-Walter Adam" <fwadam@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 22:15:36 +0100

Ein Hinweis:

Dear listener of Radio Rasant,
Dear participants to the latest Radio Rasant programme,
we are very proud to announce our new Radio Rasant programme. According to the new Astrid- Lindgren- Memorial- Award- winner proclamation on the 29th March 2011, 13.00 h CET in Vimmerby/ Sweden, we will broadcast a programme about the prize and remind of the winner from 2010, Kitty Crowther. This programme will be relayed by different stations with different targets between the 24th March and 26th March 2011 according to the following schedule:

25.03.11, via IRRS, on 6090 kHz, 20.00-20.30 CET, to Europe, N- Africa, M. East.

25.03.11, via IRRS, on 1368 kHz, 20.00-20.30 CET, to Europe, without UK

25.03.11, via IRRS, on 1566 kHz, 20.00-20.30 CET, to Rome, Italy

26.03.11, via IRRS, on 9510 kHz, 10.00-10.30 CET , to Europe, N- Africa, M. East.

We appreciate your comments and reports you kindly send by mail or snail mail to the address mentioned above. Reception reports will be answered by a QSL- card.

73 Fritz-Walter
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