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[A-DX] Fw: [BDXC-UK] 2011 EDXC Conference to be held in Bulgaria 18-23 August

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [BDXC-UK] 2011 EDXC Conference to be held in Bulgaria 18-23 August
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 11:13:42 +0100

FYI  -  Für die Hobby Reiselustigen.
Wer als DXer/SWl mal wieder seine Krawatte oder Fliege ausführen will ist
hier richtig. Was den Standort vor der griech. Grenze ausmacht, hat sich mir
noch nicht erschlossen. Heißes Klima im August aber jede Menge. 73 wb

- - -

From: Tibor Szilagyi

Dear DX Friends all over the World !
EDXC - European DX Council - cordially invites you all to the next EDXC
Conference in Bulgaria, coming up on August 18 - 23, 2011. First we begin
with our conference in Southern Bulgaria, in Melnik. Melnik is situated  176
Kms South from Sofia on the European Highway E 79. The same Highway leads to
the Greek border - 28 Kms.

After our conference in Melnik we are going to visit Radio Bulgaria External
Services in Sofia.

You will need 3 / three /nights in Melnik : Arrival August 18 -- Departure
August 21, 2011. We recommend : Hotel Melnik in Melnik. Phone : + 359 7437
2272. E--Mail reservation : reservation @ hotelmelnik.com.
Homepage : www.hotelmelnik.com
Room prices : From EUR 36,-- / Room per night,
Including Bulgarian Breakfast.

You will need 2 / two / nights in Sofia : Arrival August 21 -- Departure
August 23, 2011.
In Sofia we recommend : HOTEL DEDEMAN Princess Sofia, 131, Maria Luisa
Boulevard, 1202  SOFIA, Bulgaria. Phone : + 359 2 933 88 88.
E -- Mail :  sofia @ dedeman.com    Homepage : www.dedeman.com
Room prices :  from EUR  60,-- / Room per night,  Including Bulgarian
Please do RESERVE your hotel rooms NOW !

Our programme in Melnik, what we know now :
We will have our Conference at Hotel Melnik.
Lectures, meals and also our Banquet Dinner at this hotel. Beyond that : One
excursion to Macedonia, just over the day, just to see a little bit of
another country !

Our programme in Sofia :
On Monday, August 22 we are going to visit Radio Bulgaria External Services.
They transmit at least in 10 languages on Shortwaves !

Conference Fee : EUR  85,--  to be paid to me when you arrive on August 18
at Hotel Melnik.

EDXC Reception Desk will be open from 12.00 Hours midday ( noon ).
The Conference Fee EUR 85,-- includes : Use of the Conference Room with
fully equiped Technical Aid : LapTop with Latin Letters and picture
projection possibility. Also included : Lunch on Friday, August 19 and Lunch
on Saturday, August 20. And our traditional Banquet  Dinner on Saturday
evening is also included. Furthermore : It will be a bus taking us from
Melnik to Sofia on Sunday, August 21. This bus is only reserved for our
group. The price for this special bus trip is also included into the
Conference Fee EUR 85,--.

Special participation fee for spouse :   EUR 70,-- / spouse.

The EDXC is coming back to you with more detailed programme later on. If you
wish to hold lectures with interesting subjects related to our DX Hobby,
please do not hesitate to tell me.

Please DO NOT forget to reserve your hotel rooms NOW !!

With best wishes and greetings from Sweden,

T i b o r      S z i l a g y i
EDXC  Secretary  General
E -- Mail : tiszi2035 @ yahoo.com
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