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RE: [A-DX] Antennenanfrage

Hallo Eike,
in die Richtung deiner Frage geht die Antwort von Andy IKIN, "Herrn Wellbrook hochpersönlich", auf eine Frage, die Robin G7VKQ in der Yahoo Gruppe "Loopantennas" letzte Woche gestellt hat.
Wie Andy sagen würde: Hope it helps !!
Einen schönen Abend noch
Normandie, Frankreich

Robin  G7VKQ Wrot on the 8th Feb 2011

"I have a couple of questions for the group. The fIrst question is around the construction of a loop for my Wellbrook ALA100M. I've been dabbling with a couple of different types of wire for the loops. I found out that thin stranded wire doesn't seem to work as well as thicker, enameled cooper wire (tired up to 16 ga so far). Is there any benefit to extrapolating the thickness of the wire and building say a 15mm diameter copper pipe loop (maybe as small as 1m -1.3 m diameter as I want the loop for indoors receiving). Any thoughts?
The second question is around a design aspect of magnetic loop antenna I plan to build over the next couple of weekends. Is there any preference or characteristics to the coupling loop that is worth bearing in mind? Should it be insulated coax, or enameled cooper, should it be think, thin...or is it predominately the shape of the loop that critical? Any guidance?"

Robin, the optimum loop inductance for the ALA100M is approx. 5uH-6uH. This can be achieved using a square loop with a circumference of say 5-6m of RG58c ( screen only ). Using thin wire with the same loop size will make the loop inductance too high, with the result that the increased reactance will act as a series impedance, limiting the loops current to the amplifier. You can still make the loop a bit larger and keep the inductance low by using RG58c screen in parallel, spaced about 2 inches apart.  You also have the option of using 22mm copper pipe for a 1.5m diam loop.
Kind regards

Andrew Ikin.

De : owner-liste@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-liste@xxxxxxx] De la part de Eike Moeckel
Envoyé : dimanche 13 février 2011 16:41
À : a-dx
Objet : [A-DX] Antennenanfrage


bei mir geht die 6005 ja auch ( wie würde Martin sagen mit nem feuchten Daumen) mich würde einemal
die stärke des Kupferdraht interessieren. ich nutze an der ALA 100 einen 1,00 mm Draht 20 m lang als Loop
5m x10m x 5m. Ist sehr schön ruhig aber die 1530 bringt viiiielmehr Leistung?!! wie oder was kann man da
noch vorsetzen um bessere Ergebnisse zu erziehlen? Die ALA 100 ist vom Haus 3 m entfernt gen Norden.
Noch allen einen schönen Restsonntag!

Perseus, ALA 1530, DX One,
MK1; ALA 100 20 m Loop

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