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[A-DX] Re: New info program on IRRS

  • Subject: [A-DX] Re: New info program on IRRS
  • From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 20:01:14 +0100

Hallo !

Just before Christmas I would like to inform you of a new, exceptional news
program that will be broadcasted effective Dec. 22, 2012 weekly each Saturday at
20:45 CET (19:45 UTC) on 7290 kHz and 1368 kHz Medium Wave. The program is a 15
minute program in French and English specifically created for Shortwave about
issues related to Europe and interesting to our European audience. I will not
reveal the name just now, just listen and send your reception report directly to
the address that you hear on the air. They also QSL directly.

Jetzt hatte ich endlich eine Eingebung zu dem Programm.
Nicht l´ecoute d´Europe sondern "L´echo de l´Europe" - dann klappt´s auch mit der Webseite: http://www.lechodeleurope.eu
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