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Re: [A-DX] WRTH via Amazon.de - nein danke!

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] WRTH via Amazon.de - nein danke!
  • From: Theodor Averbeck <am-dx@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:47:22 +0100

Moin - Profit "zieht" über viele Wege: 


Gruß, Theo

Am 18.12.2012 um 14:22 schrieb Günter Lorenz:

> Same procedure as every year ... "Lieferung vielleicht im Januar 2013", so stand es sinngemäß im E-Mail von Amazon.
> Ich habe direkt bei WRTH nachgefragt und erhielt folgende Antwort:
> --
> There is no longer a separate ISBN for Germany as Gert Wohlfahrt GmbH no
> longer distribute the book for us in Germany. 
> Amazon.de wrongly imports copies of WRTH from Amazon.com in the USA who do
> not have the right to sell copies in Europe. One of our good friends at Gert
> Wohlfahrt spent many years trying to stop this happening but Amazon.de would
> not listen. We do not, unfortunately, have the names of any contacts at
> Amazon.de. If you could find one we would be very interested to talk to
> them.
> If they ordered from our company or even from Amazon.co.uk they could have
> had copies two weeks ago. As it is, we send copies by sea to the USA, they
> are transported to our distribution centre, Amazon.com collects copies from
> there and then ships them back to Germany.
> --
> Diese amazonischen Winkelzüge muß man nicht mitmachen. Man kann auch direkt bei wrth.com kaufen.
> Und für die Spende an Christoph für den reibungslosen Listenbetrieb gibt es auch andere Mittel und Wege.
> 73,
> Günter
> --
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